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How to make quinoa


Quinoa is very simple to make and can be cooked in the form of beans for 15 minutes, with water, to replace rice, for example. However, it can also be consumed in flakes such as oats or in the form of flour for making breads, cakes or pancakes, for example.

Although it costs an average of 20 reais per kg, it is excellent for enriching and varying the diet.

This seed, which is a kind of very nutritious cereal, besides not having gluten, has twice the protein contained in rice, and therefore it is great for vegetarians or for those who need to increase the amount of protein in their food. In addition, it increases immunity due to having zinc and selenium and also decreases water retention because it contains potassium and because it contains fibers it also favors weight loss.

Quinoa salad with tomato and cucumber

A very simple recipe is the refreshing quinoa salad with cucumber and tomato. In addition to being delicious, this salad is very rich in protein, easy to make and helps to refresh you during the hottest days of the year.


  • 175 g of quinoa; 600 ml of water; 10 tomatoes cut into slices; ½ cucumber cut into slices; 3 chopped green onions; ½ lemon juice; Olive oil, pepper, mint salt, coriander and parsley to taste.

How to prepare

Pour the quinoa into a pan, add the water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, cover and cook the quinoa for another 15 minutes over low heat.

Finally, strain the water, if necessary, let the quinoa cool and add with the other ingredients in a serving dish, seasoning to your liking.

Main health benefits

The benefits of Quinoa include improving bowel function, helping to control cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as decreasing appetite because it is a fiber-rich food. In addition, it also helps in the proper functioning of the brain because it is rich in omega 3, it fights anemia because it is rich in iron and can help prevent osteoporosis, as it has a lot of calcium.

Learn about other important benefits of quinoa.

Nutritional information of raw quinoa

Each 100 grams of quinoa has many minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, and Omega 3 and 6, which are essential fats for the body.

Calories 368 Kcal Phosphor 457 milligrams
Carbohydrates 64.16 grams Iron 4.57 milligrams
Proteins 14.12 grams Fibers 7 milligrams
Lipids 6.07 grams Potassium 563 milligrams
Omega 6 2.977 milligrams Magnesium 197 milligrams
Vitamin B1 0.36 milligrams Vitamin B2 0.32 milligrams
Vitamin B3 1.52 milligrams Vitamin B5 0.77 milligrams
Vitamin B6 0.49 milligrams Folic acid 184 milligrams
Selenium 8.5 micrograms Zinc 3.1 milligrams

Using quinoa is a simple way to increase the diet with essential amino acids and a good variety of B complex minerals and vitamins making this seed versatile, an excellent alternative for gluten or wheat intolerants.

How to make quinoa