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How Bronchitis Affects Pregnancy


Bronchitis in pregnancy should be treated in the same way as before becoming pregnant to relieve symptoms such as coughing with or without sputum and difficulty breathing, which can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches the baby, which can impair its development and delay its growth.

Thus, bronchitis in pregnancy is only dangerous if the pregnant woman resolves on her own to stop or reduce the amount of drugs she has always taken to control the disease, because usually when this happens, the crises become more severe and more constant, and can be harmful for the baby. Thus, the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy is not dangerous for either the mother or the baby, but it may be necessary to adjust the dose of medicines by the pulmonologist to better control the crises and improve the well-being of the pregnant woman.

Can bronchitis in pregnancy harm the baby?

Bronchitis in pregnancy can harm the baby when treatment is not done properly, resulting in a severe crisis. In these cases, the possible complications for the baby can be:

  • Higher risk of premature birth; Baby with low birth weight; Risk of death shortly before or after birth; Delayed growth of the child inside the mother's uterus; Reduction of the amount of oxygen for the baby.

There is a possibility that pregnant women have to have an emergency cesarean section in a very severe bronchitis crisis, such as, for example, in cases of respiratory infection and hospitalization in intensive care.

How to treat bronchitis in pregnancy

During a crisis of bronchitis, the pregnant woman should calm down, rest and undergo the treatment indicated by the doctor, which can be done with:

  • Use of oral corticosteroids; Use of progesterone: a hormone that facilitates breathing; Aerolin spray; Salbutamol-based inhaler; Nebulization with Berotec and saline; Tylenol if you have a fever.

In addition to medications as directed by doctors, it is important to drink fluids, such as water or teas, to fluidize secretions and facilitate their removal.

Lemon tea for bronchitis in pregnancy

Lemon tea with honey is an excellent home remedy for pregnant women to take during a bronchitis attack, as honey helps to calm the irritation caused by bronchitis and lemon provides vitamin C which helps to strengthen the immune system.

To prepare lemon tea with honey, you need 1 cup of water, 1 lemon peel and 1 tablespoon of honey. After placing the lemon peel in the water, let it boil and after boiling, let it rest for 5 minutes, putting the honey only afterwards and drinking about 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

During a crisis of bronchitis, some pregnant women may experience severe abdominal pain because when coughing, the pregnant woman is constantly exercising her belly muscles, which causes more pain and tiredness. In addition, it is normal that at the end of pregnancy, between 24 and 36 weeks, the pregnant woman feels more shortness of breath.

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How Bronchitis Affects Pregnancy