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How to calculate the fertile period in irregular menstruation


Although it is a little more difficult to know exactly when the fertile period is in women who have irregular periods, it is possible to have an idea of ​​what the most fertile days of the month may be, taking into account the last 3 menstrual cycles.

For this, it is important that the woman write down the day of each cycle in which menstruation occurred, in order to know when the days had each cycle, in order to calculate the most fertile days.

How to calculate

To calculate the fertile period, the woman must take into account the last 3 cycles and note the days on which the first day of menstruation occurred, determine the interval between those days and calculate the average between them.

For example, if the time interval between 3 periods was 33 days, 37 days and 35 days, this gives an average of 35 days, which will be the average duration of the menstrual cycle (for that, just add the number of days of 3 cycles and divide by 3).

After that, 35 must subtract 14 days, which gives 21, which means that ovulation occurs on the 21st day. In this case, between one menstruation and another, the most fertile days will be 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation, that is, between the 18th and the 24th day after the first day of menstruation.

Check your calculations on the following calculator:

How to protect yourself

For those who have an irregular cycle, the best strategy to avoid unwanted pregnancies is to take the contraceptive pill that will regulate the days of flow, remembering to still use the condom in all relationships to also protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

Those who are trying to get pregnant can also try to buy ovulation tests at the pharmacy to be sure of the most fertile days and invest in intimate contact during these days. Another possibility is to have sex at least every 3 days throughout the month, especially on days when you can identify the signs of the fertile period, such as temperature changes, the presence of mucus in the vagina and increased libido, for example.

How to calculate the fertile period in irregular menstruation