Home Bulls Remedies and solutions against hair loss caused by stress

Remedies and solutions against hair loss caused by stress


To combat hair loss caused by stress it is advisable to find strategies to keep calm and the situation under control. Some extra help are medicines and vitamin supplements that can be prescribed by the dermatologist, such as Pantogar or Energion ByStress, for example.

These remedies help to fight capillary inflammation, improve blood circulation and provide the hair with the necessary conditions for its development and growth. However, emotional control and combating stress is essential for hair to grow back normally.

Hair Loss Remedies

Some examples of medicines and vitamins that can help fight hair loss caused by stress are:

Remedies against Alopecia Food suplements
Pantogar Protein, like Whey protein
Minoxidil Omega 3 and 6
Finasteride Vitamin A
Cyproterone acetate Vitamins B5, B6 and B8
Spironolactone Zinc
Energion Byestress Iron

Multivitamins, like Centrum or Farmaton, are a good option because they contain all the vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth and can be consumed at the same time as the medicines indicated by the dermatologist.

In addition to taking the remedies, to improve strength, shine and prevent hair loss, you should also avoid oiliness at the root of the hair, using shampoos suitable for hair loss and oiliness such as Nizoral that combats seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. effective.

Hair Loss Foods

Increasing protein consumption by investing in meats and dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese is also a good strategy because they help build new strands and grow hair, preventing the hair from becoming thin and thin.

Here's how to make a delicious vitamin to strengthen your hair:

But to improve the health of the strands it is also advisable to avoid trapping wet hair so as not to rot the root and whenever you wash your hair, completely remove the shampoo and conditioner. If the hair is dry, a layer of combing cream can be applied to remove the knots and moisturize, preventing the hair from falling out too much when combing.

Why Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

Stress can cause hair loss, scientifically called androgenetic alopecia or areata, because it inhibits development and increases inflammation, compromising blood circulation making it difficult for the hair to remain on the scalp.

Stress also increases the chances of hair oil, which favors dandruff and, consequently, hair loss. It is normal for there to be a daily loss of up to 100 strands of hair, but usually the excessive hair loss begins after a period of greater stress or emotional disorder caused by personal, loving conflicts, loss of a loved one, change of city, work or in case of illness or in another relative.

How to Fight Stress

In addition to following the specific treatment for hair loss, it is essential for the success of the treatment to remain calm and relax, fighting stress. It might be useful:

  • Identify the cause of stress and vent to a close, trusted person; Focus attention on other situations and escape personal conflicts; Take soothing teas like chamomile or a natural remedy like Valerian; Spend energy practicing some physical exercise such as running or swimming because this releases endorphins, which result in well-being; Get enough sleep to wake up rested and with more energy for school or work.

When the greatest source of stress is related to work, it is necessary to assess whether it is possible to change jobs, seek more knowledge, resolve conflicts with colleagues or even change professions, if you are not satisfied with what you do on a daily basis..

Remedies and solutions against hair loss caused by stress