Home Pregnancy What to do to combat swelling in pregnancy

What to do to combat swelling in pregnancy


The legs and feet become swollen in pregnancy because there is an increase in the amount of fluids and blood in the body and due to the pressure made by the uterus on the lymphatic vessels in the pelvic region. Normally the legs and feet start to become more swollen after the 5th month, becoming more and more frequent at the end of pregnancy.

But after delivery, it is also normal for the legs and feet to become quite swollen, even when you are in the hospital, being more common after cesarean section. In any case, these tips can be applied.

8 ways to relieve foot swelling in pregnancy

The best alternatives are:

  1. Drink plenty of water as this improves kidney function, reducing fluid retention; Wear socks because they compress the blood vessels, preventing swelling; Take a light walk in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is weaker, as this improves circulation; Avoid exposure to heat and whenever lying down, place your legs on a high pillow to facilitate the return of blood to the heart; Passion fruit juice with mint: Beat the pulp of 1 passion fruit in a blender with 3 mint leaves and 1/2 glass of water. Filter and take right away; Pineapple juice with lemongrass: Beat in a blender 3 slices of pineapple with 1 leaf of chopped lemongrass. Filter and drink immediately afterwards; Wash the legs with salt with orange leaves: Place 20 orange leaves in 2 liters of water to boil, and then add cold water until the solution is warm, and then add half a cup of coarse salt. Scalding feet alternating between hot and cold water. See exactly everything you can do in this video:

If, in addition to the swollen legs and feet, the pregnant woman experiences severe headache, nausea and blurred or blurred vision, she should inform the obstetrician why these symptoms may indicate high blood pressure, which can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Another symptom that should also be reported to the doctor is the appearance of the sudden swelling of the hands or feet.

Because the legs swell after childbirth

Having swollen legs after childbirth is normal and this is due to the leakage of liquid from the blood vessels to the most superficial layer of the skin. This swelling lasts 7 to 10 days and can be eased if the woman walks more, drinks a lot of water or drinks some diuretic juice, for example.

In addition, it is recommended that the new mother sit with her legs higher than her body so that the swelling will gradually decrease. Placing pillows or cushions under the heel when lying down is also a good option to deflate your legs and feet naturally.

What to do to combat swelling in pregnancy