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What to do to stimulate baby's vision


To stimulate the baby's vision, colorful toys should be used, with different patterns and shapes.

The newborn baby can see better at a distance of about twenty to thirty centimeters from the objects. This means that when he is breastfeeding, he can see the mother's face perfectly. Gradually the baby's field of vision increases and he begins to see better.

However, the eye test that can be carried out in the maternity ward and up to the child's 3 months of life may indicate that the baby has a vision problem such as strabismus and it is necessary to adopt some strategies to stimulate the child's vision.

These games and toys are suitable for all children since birth, but they are especially suitable for babies born with microcephaly and also whose mothers had Zika during pregnancy, because they are more likely to have visual problems.

Here are some options you can do at home, daily, to improve your baby's vision.

Toys best suited to stimulate baby's vision

The best toys to stimulate the baby's vision are those very colorful, with bright and vibrant colors, as are usually children's toys. If the toy, besides being colorful, still makes sounds, they also stimulate the child's hearing.

You can place a mobile in the baby's crib or a toy bow to put in the stroller that is very colorful and has some sound. As the newborn baby spends a lot of time in the crib and in the stroller, whenever he is seeing these toys his vision and hearing will be stimulated.

Colorful scarf play

The game is very simple, just hold a piece of cloth or handkerchief with different patterns in front of your baby making movements to draw the baby's attention towards the handkerchief. When the baby looks, move the scarf from side to side to encourage the baby to follow him with his eyes.

Easy toys to make at home to stimulate baby's vision

To make a very colorful rattle, you can put a little grains of rice, beans and corn in a PET bottle and close it tightly with hot glue and then paste a few pieces of colored durex in the bottle. You can give the baby to play or show the rattle to him several times a day.

Another good idea is in a white Styrofoam ball you can stick strips of black glue tape and give it to the baby to hold and play with because the black and white stripes attract attention and stimulate vision.

The vision-related neurons begin to specialize during the first months of life and this activity that stimulates the baby's vision and will guarantee the child's good visual development.

Watch the video to learn what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

What to do to stimulate baby's vision