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9 Causes that cause greasiness in the hair


Sleeping with a cotton pillowcase, excessive stress, using inappropriate products or applying cosmetics to the hair root, are some of the factors that can increase the oil produced by the hair.

The tendency of the hair to become oily depends on the person to person, because it is caused especially by genetic factors responsible for the type of hair and its ability to produce hair. Oily hair is a very sensitive type of hair, which requires some care. So, get to know what factors can contribute to oily hair with little volume:

9 Main Causes of Oily Hair

1. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes such as those experienced during pregnancy can cause an increase in oiliness in the hair, as a high production of fat by the hair cells can be enhanced during these periods.

Usually these periods are transient, and over time the hair ends up returning to normal. The ideal in these periods is to consult a dermatologist, to make a treatment for the control of oiliness.

2. Excessive stress or worry

Periods of great stress or with many concerns can end up causing greasiness in the hair, because the changes that occur in the nervous system during this period end up increasing the production of fat by the scalp.

Another common change during these periods is the increase in the amount of sweat produced, which also ends up contributing to the increase in oiliness in the hair.

In these changes, it is also recommended to consult a dermatologist to do a treatment to control oiliness and try to relax, through techniques such as yoga or meditation for example.

3. Use of inappropriate hair products

Using products that are not suitable for oily hair like shampoo, conditioner or styling cream for example, can end up increasing the oiliness in the hair.

These products, especially when they are indicated for dry hair end up not only increasing the oiliness at the root of the hair, but can also make these types of hair heavy and without volume.

The products for oily hair, to increase volume or density are always the most suitable, as only they allow a deep cleaning at the root of the hair, efficiently eliminating all the residues of fat from the pores.

4. Diet rich in fats

Eating a diet rich in fatty foods such as fried foods, fast food, butters, sour cream, yellow cheeses or sauces, for example, is another cause that can lead to increased oiliness in the hair.

These foods end up contributing to the production of fat by the scalp, as they end up altering the body's metabolism and the functioning of hair follicles.

The ideal is to avoid this type of food and bet on a healthy diet, with few fats. In addition, invest in foods rich in Vitamin A, Biotin, Silicon, Zinc, Betacarotene, Omega-3, amino acids and collagen

helps strengthen the strands, which contributes to hair health.

Watch this video from Tati to learn how to prepare a vitamin to strengthen hair:

5. Wash your hair with hot water

Washing hair with hot water is another factor that increases oiliness on the scalp, so it is recommended to wash whenever possible with warm or cold water.

In addition, drying the hair with the dryer at a very hot temperature also ends up bringing the same consequences as hot water, so it is recommended to keep the dryer at lower temperatures, always drying with it away from the scalp.

6. Use cosmetics on the hair root

Applying a mask, styling cream or thermal protector directly to the scalp or using hydration ampoules are other behaviors that also contribute to increased oil production.

These products can be used, but very fatty products should be avoided and their use should be restricted to the ends of the hair.

7. Wear hats, scarves or hair caps

The ideal for hair with a tendency to greasiness is to walk loose, as the use of accessories such as hats, scarves or caps for example hinder the breathing and ventilation of the hairy coat.

The ideal is to opt for loose hair or to do simple hairstyles, putting aside this type of accessories.

8. Use cotton pillowcase to sleep

Cotton pillowcases steal moisture from the threads, which ends up drying the hair, increasing frizz and stimulating silk production at the hair root.

The ideal is to opt for silk or satin pillowcases, which maintain the natural moisture in the hair and help control oiliness, or use satin caps for sleeping.

9. Run your hand through your hair regularly

Regularly running your hand through your hair, tossing your hair back or to the side, is a behavior that stimulates the production of sebum and worsens the oiliness. In addition, this habit causes all the dirt from the hands to pass into the hair, leaving it also dirtier and heavier.

So if you want to get rid of this habit, choose to use a clip or piranha to hold the bangs, or choose to have your hair tied.

Oily hair can be difficult to deal with, but these tips will help keep the oil in check. If you don't know what your hair type is, learn to identify it in Find out what your hair type is.

9 Causes that cause greasiness in the hair