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How to make a homemade peel


A good way to make a homemade peel is to use a good exfoliating cream to remove dead cells from the most superficial layer of the skin, which can be purchased ready-made, or prepared at home with coffee, oat bran or cornmeal, for example.

Although there are several exfoliating creams on the market, they all work in a similar way, the difference being usually in the size and composition of the particles.

In all these cases, it is the thickness of the molecule that, when rubbed into the skin, promotes the removal of impurities, excess keratin and dead cells, leaving the skin thinner, ready to receive the necessary hydration.

1. Honey and sugar peeling


  • 1 spoon of honey; 1 spoon of sugar.

Method of preparation

Mix 1 spoon of honey with 1 spoon of sugar and rub this mixture all over your face, insisting more on the regions where the skin tends to have more cloves, such as nose, forehead and chin. This peeling can be done about twice a week.

2. Cornmeal peeling

Exfoliation with cornmeal is great for removing dead skin cells, as it has the ideal consistency, and is a good option for dry and oily skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal; oil or moisturizer when enough.

Method of preparation

Place 1 tablespoon of cornmeal in a container with a little oil or moisturizer and apply it in a circular motion. Then, remove the scrub with cold water, dry the skin with a soft towel and moisturize.

3. Oat and strawberry peeling


  • 30 g of oats; 125 ml of yogurt (natural or strawberry); 3 chopped strawberries; 1 tablespoon of honey.

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture and then massage in the face gently. Then, remove the scrub with cold water, dry the skin well and apply a moisturizer.

This type of deep cleansing of the skin can be performed once a week, but it is not recommended when the skin is injured or when it has protruding pimples, because in these cases the skin can be damaged.

The benefits of peeling can be seen right after the treatment and include a clearer and cleaner skin, elimination of blackheads and better hydration of the entire face. See also how chemical peeling is done.

How to make a homemade peel