Home Bulls Ankylosing spondylitis: main forms of treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis: main forms of treatment


The treatment for ankylosing spondylitis should be recommended by the orthopedist or rheumatologist according to the symptoms presented by the person, being recommended the practice of physical exercises, physiotherapy and use of medications, in some cases, to relieve the inflammatory symptoms and improve the quality of person's life.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by spinal cord injury that causes lower back pain, difficulty in moving the spine, a sensation of numbness or tingling in the arms and legs and improvement in pain when in motion. Know how to identify the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of ankylosing spondylitis aims to relieve symptoms, prevent the stiffness of the affected joint, reduce functional limitations and reduce complications related to the disease, thus promoting the person's quality of life. Depending on the symptoms presented and the severity of the disease, the rheumatologist or orthopedist can recommend the following treatment options:

1. Physical activity

The practice of physical activity, in addition to preventing ankylosing spondylitis, is essential in the treatment, being always recommended by the doctor, because through physical activities it is possible to keep the joints in motion, relieving inflammatory symptoms and preventing the progression of the disease. It is important that the exercises are done with the accompaniment of a physical education professional to avoid further injuries and for the training to be performed according to the person's needs and limitations.

Swimming, pilates, aqua aerobics, zumba, running and dancing are some of the exercises recommended for these cases, it is important to avoid more demanding sports for the body or contact such as fighting or martial arts.

2. Remedies

The use of medicines is usually indicated when the symptoms are intense and interfere with the quality of life and performance of daily activities, being recommended by the doctor in order to relieve the pain and inflammation caused by the disease. The remedies generally recommended by the doctor are:

  • Ibuprofen; Naproxen; Indomethacin; Methotrexate; Diclofenac sodium; Piroxicam; Aceclofenac; Infliximab.

According to the symptoms presented and their intensity, the doctor can indicate the combination of medications, as well as change the dose of any medication that is being used in isolation. Therefore, for the treatment to be effective, the person must follow the doctor's recommendations.

3. Surgery

Surgery is recommended only in the most severe cases, where it is difficult to perform a certain activity of daily life. In this way, surgery may be indicated by the doctor to correct the problem and place a prosthesis to improve the range of motion.

4. Physiotherapy

It is important that physical therapy is performed for ankylosing spondylitis even if the symptoms are mild. This is because in physiotherapy it is possible to prevent the progression of the disease, in addition to improving joint movement, promoting flexibility and correcting posture, relieving the symptoms of the disease.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis is made by the orthopedist or rheumatologist through the assessment and observation of the symptoms presented, it is important to assess whether the pain that arises is slow and gradual and whether it is worse in the last hours of the day or early in the morning.

In addition, as outbreaks of inflammation can also appear in places other than the spine such as joints such as hips, shoulders, ankles and knees, it is important to be aware of the appearance of pain or discomfort in these regions and to inform the doctor if they arise or become more intense.

Ankylosing spondylitis: main forms of treatment