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Tuberculosis treatment: options available


Treatment for tuberculosis is done with oral antibiotics, such as Isoniazid and Rifampicin, which eliminate the bacteria that causes the disease to arise from the body. Since the bacterium is very resistant, it is necessary to undergo treatment for about 6 months, although in some cases, it can last between 18 months to 2 years until complete healing is achieved.

The easiest cases to treat are those of latent tuberculosis, that is, when the bacteria is in the body but is asleep, causing no symptoms, and cannot be transmitted. Active tuberculosis, on the other hand, is more difficult to treat and, therefore, treatment may take longer and it may be necessary to take more than one antibiotic to achieve a cure.

Thus, the drugs used in the treatment vary according to the patient's age, general health and the type of tuberculosis and, therefore, need to be indicated by a doctor. However, home remedies can be useful to complement the treatment. Check out the best home remedies for tuberculosis.

1. Infant tuberculosis

There are 3 remedies commonly used to treat this type of tuberculosis, which include Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Rifapentine. The doctor usually prescribes only one of these antibiotics, which should be used for 6 to 9 months until the bacteria are completely eliminated and the result is confirmed with a blood test.

Although the bacteria are asleep, it is very important to treat latent tuberculosis because the disease can be active at any time and is more difficult to treat.

2. Active tuberculosis

In cases of active tuberculosis, the number of bacteria is very high and, therefore, the immune system is not able to fight the infection alone, being necessary to use a combination of several antibiotics for more than 6 months. The most used remedies are:

  • Isoniazid; Rifampicin; Ethambutol; Pyrazinamide.

Treatment should be continued even after the symptoms have disappeared, to ensure complete elimination of the bacteria. Thus, it is essential to respect the duration of treatment indicated by the doctor, and the medication should be taken every day, always at the same time and until the doctor says that he can stop.

During the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, which happens when the infection is in the lungs, it is very important to take some precautions during treatment, such as staying at home, avoiding close contact with other people and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, for example, to prevent transmission of the disease, especially during the first 2 to 3 weeks.

How to use vitamin D to speed up treatment

Vitamin D was one of the first drugs used to treat tuberculosis before specific antibiotics existed to treat the disease. In the past, patients with tuberculosis were exposed to sunlight and, although the reason why sunlight worked was not known, many patients improved.

Currently, vitamin D is known as an important immune system regulator that helps defense cells to eliminate bad inflammatory proteins and produce more proteins that actually help eliminate bacteria, such as those that cause tuberculosis.

Thus, to improve treatment or avoid infection with tuberculosis, it is recommended to increase levels of vitamin D in the body by eating foods rich in vitamin D and sun exposure with adequate sunscreen and outside the hours of greatest danger.

Possible side effects of treatment

Side effects in the treatment of this disease are rare, however, as antibiotics have been used for a long time, side effects such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting and frequent diarrhea; Loss of appetite; Yellowish skin; Dark urine; Fever above 38º C.

When side effects arise, it is advisable to inform the doctor who prescribed the medication, to assess whether it is necessary to change the medication or adapt the treatment dose.

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement in tuberculosis appear about 2 weeks after starting treatment and include decreased tiredness, disappearance of fever and relief of muscle pain.

Signs of worsening

The signs of worsening are more frequent when treatment is not started in time, especially in cases of latent tuberculosis in which the patient does not know he is infected, and include the appearance of fever above 38º C, general malaise, night sweats and pain muscle.

In addition, depending on the affected area, more specific symptoms may also appear, such as bloody coughing, swelling of the affected area, or weight loss.

Tuberculosis treatment: options available