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How is intimate contact after a heart attack


After a heart attack, it is possible to return to sexual activity in about 6 weeks, because, although there is great fear about the functioning of the heart, in most cases the heart muscle has enough time to recover and return to normal functioning to maintain this type of activity.

However, it is always recommended to ask the cardiologist about the beginning of sexual activity, since the recovery time may vary according to the severity of the infarction.

Therefore, the best option is to initiate intimate contact as soon as the doctor releases it, because the longer it is expected, the greater the chances of developing fears and anxieties that hinder the resumption of active sexual life.

6 most common questions

After suffering a heart attack, it is normal to feel some fear when it comes to having sexual contact again. Therefore, the most important thing is to clear all doubts with the cardiologist. Any of the questions

1. Can I have a heart attack again during sex?

The appearance of a new infarction due to intimate contact is very rare, being no more dangerous than the activities of daily living. In fact, the amount of energy needed during sexual activity is similar to that needed to climb one or two flights of stairs, for example.

2. Is it safe to use erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra?

Generally, this type of medication can be used without risk, as it does not overload the heart, but should be avoided whenever other nitrate drugs are used, such as Nitroglycerin, which helps to treat chest pain.

In any case, it is always advisable to consult the cardiologist before using this type of medication, to ensure that there is no interaction with any other treatment medication.

3. Is it normal to feel more tired?

In many cases, sexual activity can cause more fatigue after a heart attack, however, it is possible to overcome this problem, giving preference to intimate contact after a period of rest, such as in the morning or after taking a nap.

4. When should I avoid intimate contact?

It is advisable to avoid sexual activity when symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat or light-headedness are present. In such cases it is still recommended to consult the cardiologist before doing any type of physical activity.

5. Are there any dangerous sexual positions?

During intimate contact, all positions can be made, as long as they are comfortable and do not cause stress. People who have had to bypass should avoid getting "on top". A good way to maintain comfortable positions is to use pillows to support your body, for example.

6. Can medications influence sexual contact?

Although the functioning of the heart is not an obstacle to the practice of sexual activity, some of the medications prescribed by the doctor after a heart attack can reduce libido, both in men and women. In men, the use of this type of medication can also make erection difficult.

In these cases, it is advisable to inform the cardiologist so that the medications are adjusted. These are very common problems and, therefore, there should be no fear of talking to the doctor.

How is intimate contact after a heart attack