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Hormonal dysfunction


Hormonal dysfunction is a health problem that in some women is linked to menstruation and can produce symptoms such as weight gain, acne and excess body hair.

The most common hormonal dysfunction in women is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a genetic and hereditary disease that leads to the production of cysts in the ovaries. These cysts are responsible for the symptoms mentioned above, in addition to increasing stress in women and levels of infertility. Diabetes, thrombosis, hypertension and heart disease are also some of the diseases that most easily affect these women.

The polycystic ovary syndrome can be completely neutralized with the use of contraceptives, but it is not enough for a woman to choose any pill and think she will be cured. It is necessary to take specific medications and be closely monitored by a doctor, who is always reevaluating her.

In men, hormonal dysfunction can lead to problems such as andropause and infertility due to inadequate testosterone secretion, a change that can occur at any age, but is more common after 40 years of age. Often it is not necessary to carry out any treatment, as the symptoms are subtle.

Hormonal dysfunction