Home Bulls Main differences between asthma and bronchitis

Main differences between asthma and bronchitis


Asthma and bronchitis are two inflammatory conditions of the airways that have some very similar symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and tiredness. For this reason, it is relatively common for both to be confused, especially when a medical diagnosis does not yet exist.

However, these conditions also have several differences, the most important of which is their cause. While in bronchitis the inflammation is caused by a virus or bacteria, in asthma there is still no specific cause, and it is suspected that it may arise from a genetic susceptibility.

Thus, it is very important to consult a pulmonologist, or even a general practitioner, whenever a respiratory problem is suspected, to make the correct diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment for each case, which varies according to the cause.

Main differences between asthma and bronchitis

To try to understand whether it is a case of asthma or bronchitis, one should be aware of some differences, which include:

1. Types of symptoms

Although both have cough and difficulty breathing as common symptoms, bronchitis and asthma also have some more specific symptoms that can help distinguish the two conditions:

Common asthma symptoms

  • Constant dry cough; Rapid breathing; Wheezing.

See a more complete list of asthma symptoms.

Common symptoms of bronchitis

  • General feeling of malaise; Headache; Cough that may be accompanied by phlegm; Feeling of tightness in the chest.

In addition, asthma symptoms usually worsen or appear after contact with an aggravating factor, while bronchitis symptoms may have been present for a long time, and it is even difficult to remember what the cause is.

See a more complete list of bronchitis symptoms.

2. Duration of symptoms

In addition to the difference in some symptoms, asthma and bronchitis are also different in relation to the duration of these symptoms. In the case of asthma, it is common for the crisis to last between a few minutes, up to a few hours, improving with the use of a pump.

In the case of bronchitis, it is common for the person to have symptoms for several days or even months, not improving soon after using the medications prescribed by the doctor.

3. Possible causes

Finally, the factors that lead to an asthma attack are also different from those that lead to the appearance of bronchitis. For example, in asthma, the asthma attack is more certain after coming into contact with aggravating factors such as cigarette smoke, animal hair or dust, while bronchitis usually arises as a result of other infections or inflammations of the respiratory system, such as sinusitis., tonsillitis or prolonged exposure to chemicals.

How to confirm the diagnosis

When a respiratory problem is suspected, either asthma or bronchitis, it is recommended to consult a pulmonologist to perform diagnostic tests, such as chest X-ray or spirometry, to identify the problem and initiate appropriate treatment.

In these cases, it is common for the doctor, in addition to doing a physical evaluation, to also order some diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, blood tests and even a spirometry. Check out which tests are most used in the diagnosis of asthma.

Main differences between asthma and bronchitis