Home Symptoms Home and pharmacy hangover remedies

Home and pharmacy hangover remedies


To combat a hangover, it may be necessary to resort to medications that relieve characteristic symptoms, such as headache, general malaise, tiredness and nausea.

A remedy that is often used to relieve a hangover is Engov, as it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic and stimulant substances in its composition.

In addition, there are other medications that can help, but they should be used with caution, because some of them can become more toxic due to the presence of alcohol in the body, such as paracetamol, and others can irritate the stomach, as is the case of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid, for example.

Pharmacy remedies

Before you choose to take a medicine to relieve your hangover, you should talk to your doctor because, due to the presence of alcohol in the body, some of them can be metabolized to more toxic substances and damage the liver. In addition, there are people who manifest various symptoms and sometimes, when trying to relieve pain with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, they may be further irritating the stomach and making the feeling of nausea worse.

The medications that the doctor can recommend are:

  • Antacids, such as Estomazil or Pepsamar, for example, which relieve heartburn, malaise and poor digestion; Analgesics and anti-inflammatories, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, which relieve headache and muscle pain from hangovers, but that they should be taken with care if the person feels stomach upset or nausea; Antiemetics, such as metoclopramide, for example that relieves nausea and poor digestion; Detoxifiers, such as Steaton or Epocler, which act by regenerating and repairing the liver and helping to relieve toxins.

In addition to these medications, they may contain caffeine in the composition, which is a substance that also helps to relieve hangover symptoms and reduce symptoms of tiredness.

Homemade medicine

An excellent home remedy to cure a hangover is to drink 1 cup of black coffee upon waking. In addition, throughout the day, the person should choose to eat easily digestible foods such as gelatin, cooked fruits and vegetables or soups. It is also very important to drink a lot of water, natural fruit juices or isotonic drinks.

Natural hangover tea

A great natural remedy to end a hangover is mille-feuille tea, also known as a thousand raw, because this medicinal plant contains ingredients that have digestive, diuretic, stimulating and detoxifying action and, therefore, helps the liver to metabolize the excess of alcohol ingested, being very effective in combating a hangover.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried milleft leaves; 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the milleft leaves in the cup of boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, strain and drink afterwards.

These tips promote hydration and detoxification of the body, thus reducing the duration of the hangover. Check out more tips in the following video:

How to prevent a hangover

A good way to avoid a hangover is to take 1 g of activated carbon before drinking and 1 g after, and drink glasses of water interspersed with alcoholic beverages.

Activated charcoal makes it harder to absorb alcohol and water prevents dehydration and helps metabolize alcohol better.

Home and pharmacy hangover remedies