Home Bulls Symptoms and treatment for rash

Symptoms and treatment for rash


The rash is an organism's response to excess heat and sweat which leads to the appearance of small spots and red pellets on the skin that cause itching and burning, as if it were an insect bite on the skin, being more frequent to appear on the face, neck, back, chest and thighs, for example.

The appearance of these red balls is not serious and they tend to disappear naturally, therefore there is no specific treatment, it is recommended to clean the skin and keep it dry, give the baby a cold bath or apply a calamine lotion, for example, to relieve itching and irritation.

The rash occurs when the body's sweat glands become blocked and the body sweats more than normal. For this reason, rash is very common in babies, especially newborns because they still have poorly developed sweat glands, and can also appear in adults, especially when the climate is hot and intense physical exercise is practiced. Know other causes of allergy on the baby's skin.

How to treat rash

There is no treatment for rash, as it tends to disappear naturally. However, to relieve symptoms such as itching and irritation, it is important to take some precautions such as:

  • Avoid sun exposure; Use a fan at home; Avoid leaving the house, especially if it is very hot. If necessary, put on a cap and walk in the shade; Wear fresh, loose and cotton clothes; Give the baby a warm bath or take a cold shower with a neutral soap, without fragrances or dyes and then let the skin dry naturally, without use towel; Avoid physical exercise until the rash passes; Apply cold compresses on the body; Apply calamine lotion on the skin, sold under the trade name Calamyn, from 2 years of age.

In cases where the rash does not pass these measures, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, in the case of rash in the adult or a pediatrician, in the case of rash in the baby to guide the use of anti-allergic creams such as Polaramine or anti-inflammatory remedies. histamines. Also learn how to treat the rash with natural remedies.

When to go to the doctor

It is necessary to take the baby to the pediatrician, consult a dermatologist or go to the emergency room when:

  • The spots and bubbles increase in size and quantity; The bubbles start to form or release pus; The spots become more red, swollen, hot and painful; The individual or the baby has a fever above 38ÂșC; The rashes do not go away after 3 days; Water appears in the armpit, groin or neck.

These symptoms may indicate that the blisters of the rash have become infected, and in these cases, it is necessary for the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection.

Symptoms and treatment for rash