Home Symptoms How to identify and treat a broken nose

How to identify and treat a broken nose


The fracture of the nose happens when there is a break in the bones or cartilage due to some impact in this region, for example due to falls, traffic accidents, physical aggressions or contact sports.

Generally, the treatment aims to reduce pain, swelling and bleeding from the nose with the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatories, such as Dipyrone or Ibuprofen, for example, followed by surgery to realign the bones. Recovery usually takes about 7 days, but in some cases, other surgeries may need to be done by an ENT or plastic surgeon for full nose correction.

How to recognize that the nose is broken

The most obvious symptom of a nose fracture is nose deformity, as the bone can be displaced and end up changing the shape of the nose, however, there are situations in which the fracture is less evident. In such cases, the fracture can be suspected by the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • Pain and swelling in the nose; Purple spots on the nose or around the eyes; Bleeding from the nose; Too much sensitivity to touch; Difficulty breathing through the nose.

Children have a lower risk of nose fracture because their bones and cartilage are more flexible, but when it does, it is more often caused by falls.

In babies, the bones of the nose may fracture at the time of delivery and, in this case, it is identified by the deformity of the site, and the surgery for correction should happen as soon as possible, to prevent the nose from being permanently crooked or with breathing difficulties.

What to do if a fracture is suspected

Often, the fracture of the nose is simple and does not change the appearance of the nose. In these cases, and although it is always important to do the evaluation with a doctor, it is generally only recommended to take some precautions to reduce swelling and relieve pain, such as:

  • Put a cold compress or ice on the nose, for about 10 minutes, to reduce pain and swelling; Do not move or try to put the bone in place, as this may worsen the injury; Take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, as directed by a doctor.

If the nose is visibly deformed or if other symptoms appear, such as dark spots on the face or bleeding from the nose, it is important to go immediately to the emergency room to assess the fracture and start the most appropriate treatment.

If bleeding is observed, you should remain seated or with your head tilted forward and breathe through your mouth. If the bleeding is heavy, gauze or cotton can be placed to cover the nostril, without pushing too much. Do not turn your head back, so that blood does not accumulate in your throat, and do not blow your nose, so as not to make the injury worse. Know what to do when your nose is bleeding.

When surgery is needed

Surgery is indicated whenever a fracture with deviation of the nose bones occurs. After the initial treatment to reduce the swelling, which can be between 1 and 7 days, surgery is performed to reposition the bones. The type of surgery and anesthesia will depend on each case and each patient. In case of severe fractures, surgery can be performed immediately.

After surgery, a special dressing is made, which can be with plaster or some rigid material, to help fix the bones and can remain for about 1 week.

Nose fracture recovery is quick in about 7 days. However, sports at risk of causing a new fracture should be avoided for 3 to 4 months, or as directed by the doctor.

Possible complications

Even after all treatment, some complications can still arise due to a fractured nose, which must also be corrected by medication or surgery. The main ones are:

  • Purple marks on the face, due to the accumulation of blood after the bleeding; Decrease of the nose canal, which can hinder the passage of air, due to irregular healing; Obstruction of the tear canal, which prevents the passage of tears, due to changes in healing; Infection, due to the opening and manipulation of the nose during surgery.

Within 1 month, the nose fracture should be completely resolved, and the swelling will disappear completely. However, the person may still have a change in the shape and functioning of the nose when breathing and, therefore, may need to be evaluated by an ENT or plastic surgeon, as other surgeries may be necessary in the future.

How to identify and treat a broken nose