Home Pregnancy Nesting bleeding: how it is and how long it lasts

Nesting bleeding: how it is and how long it lasts


Bleeding is one of the symptoms of nesting, also called implantation, which corresponds to the implantation of the embryo to the endometrium, which is the tissue that lines the uterus internally, characterizing pregnancy. Despite being one of the signs of pregnancy, not all women have it and, on the other hand, in other cases it can be interpreted as being menstruation or spontaneous abortion, for example.

Although brown or light pink bleeding is characteristic of nesting, it can also happen due to the use of contraceptives, especially if there has been exchange, and hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is important that the woman is attentive to the phases of her menstrual cycle, as well as in the presence of any symptoms that could be indicative of pregnancy or other gynecological alteration.

How is the nesting bleed

Bleeding from nesting is not very abundant and has a color that varies from brown similar to coffee grounds to pink, which can cause many women to interpret the bleeding as normal menstruation or in the case of women trying to conceive, can be understood as being an indicative sign of abortion.

Despite the fact that many women do not present nidation bleeding as a sign of pregnancy, it is also possible that other signs may appear, such as abdominal cramps of weak intensity and a feeling of stitches in the belly, with these symptoms lasting an average of 3 days. Know more about the first symptoms of pregnancy.

How long does it last

Nidation bleeding, when it occurs, usually lasts from a few hours to about 3 days and the flow of bleeding is not large or even increased. Cramps and the feeling of stitches in the belly also last up to 3 days, however when they are intense, last more than 3 days or when the flow outside the menstrual period is very intense and has a more vivid color, it is important to go to the gynecologist so that tests are carried out to identify the cause of this change and, thus, appropriate treatment can be started, if necessary.

In case the symptoms disappear in 3 days, there is a great possibility that the woman is pregnant and, therefore, it is important to go to the gynecologist so that the pregnancy test, the beta-HCG, is indicated, in order to check the concentration of the blood pregnancy hormone. See how the beta-HCG exam is done.

How nesting happens

The nesting, also called implantation, corresponds to the fixation of the embryo in the uterus, initiating the gestational process, in which there are hormonal variations and formation of the essential structures for the baby's development.

For nesting, it is necessary that the sperm reach the uterine tube and fertilize the egg present there. After fertilization, this egg, as it migrates towards the uterus, undergoes a differentiation process, becoming a zygote and, later, an embryo, which is implanted after 5 to 10 days after fertilization.

If you have symptoms suggestive of nesting, take the following test to check your chances of being pregnant:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Know if you are pregnant

Start the test

In the last month have you had sex without using a condom or other contraceptive method such as an IUD, implant or contraceptive?
  • Yes No

Have you noticed any pink vaginal discharge lately?
  • Yes No

Are you getting sick and want to throw up in the morning?
  • Yes No

Are you more sensitive to smells, getting bothered by smells like cigarettes, food or perfume?
  • Yes No

Does your belly look more swollen than before, making it harder to keep your jeans tight during the day?
  • Yes No

Does your skin look more oily and acne prone?
  • Yes No

Are you feeling more tired and more sleepy?
  • Yes No

Has your period been delayed for more than 5 days?
  • Yes No

Have you ever had a pharmacy pregnancy test or blood test in the last month, with a positive result?
  • Yes No

Did you take the morning after pill recently?
  • Yes No

Nesting bleeding: how it is and how long it lasts