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Understand mammography results


Mammography results always indicate which category BI-RADS the woman is in, where 1 means that the result is normal and 5 and 6 are probably indicative of breast cancer.

Although the observation of the result of a mammogram can be done by anyone, not all parameters can be understood by people other than health professionals and therefore after taking the result it is important to take it to the doctor who requested it.

Sometimes only the mastologist is able to interpret all possible changes that may be present in the result and therefore if your gynecologist ordered the exam and if there are any suspicious changes it may indicate that you go to the mastologist, but in case of BI-RADS 5 or 6 may indicate that you go directly to the Cancer Treatment Center closest to your residence to be accompanied by an oncologist.

What each Bi-RADS result means

The results of mammography are internationally standardized, using the BI-RADS classification system, where each result presents:

What does it mean What to do
BI-RADS 0 Inconclusive Do more exams
BI-RADS 1 Normal Annual mammography
BI-RADS 2 Benign alteration - calcification, fibroadenoma Annual mammography
BI-RADS 3 Probably benign change. The incidence of malignant tumor is only 2% Mammography in 6 months
BI-RADS 4 Suspected, likely malignant change. It is also classified from A to C. Do biopsy
BI-RADS 5 Very suspicious alteration, probably malignant. Has a 95% chance of being breast cancer Doing biopsy and surgery
BI-RADS 6 Proven malignant lesion Perform treatment for breast cancer

The BI-RADS standard was created in the United States and today is the standard system for mammography results, in order to facilitate the understanding of the exam in all countries.

Breast cancer is the second most common among women in Brazil, but when discovered at an early stage it has good chances of cure and that is why it is recommended to perform mammography in order to identify when any alteration, its characteristics, shape and composition. For this reason, even if you have already performed this exam more than 3 times and have not noticed any changes, you should still continue to have a mammogram every year or whenever the gynecologist asks.

Find out what other tests help to diagnose breast cancer.

Understand mammography results