Home Bulls How to clean makeup brushes to prevent ringworm on the face

How to clean makeup brushes to prevent ringworm on the face


To clean makeup brushes it is recommended to use shampoo and conditioner. You can put a little water in a small bowl and add a small amount of shampoo and dip the brush, rubbing gently, until it is clean.

Then it is recommended to refill the bowl with a little water and add the conditioner, dipping the brush and leaving it there for a few minutes. This step is important to prevent it from becoming dry, ensuring its integrity. To dry, place the brush flat on a flat surface in the sun for a few hours.

Deep cleaning of brushes

This procedure should be performed on average every 15 days, and one brush should be washed at a time, to ensure that it is really clean, avoiding the proliferation of fungi and bacteria that can develop in the epithelial cells that remain on the brush after its use.

How to clean brushes fast

If you need a quicker cleaning, to be able to use the brush to use another base shade, for example, you can use a damp tissue to remove the excess.

Open the brush wipe from side to side until the brush is completely clean. If necessary, apply a little makeup remover to make it easier. Then let it air dry with try to dry it with a tissue.

Tips for the brush to last longer

To prolong the life of the makeup brush, you should avoid wetting the metallic part where the bristles join with the handle, so as not to loosen and if the handle is wooden, it is also good to avoid wetting that part.

In addition, brushes should be stored in dry places and always lying down or facing upwards so as not to dent.

How to clean makeup brushes to prevent ringworm on the face