Home Pregnancy How is forceps delivery and what are the consequences

How is forceps delivery and what are the consequences


The obstetric forceps is an instrument used to extract the baby under certain conditions that can result in danger to the mother or the baby, but that should only be used by a health professional with experience in its use.

This procedure is usually performed if there is fetal distress, difficulties in expelling the baby due to the mother's exhaustion or if the pregnant woman suffers from a condition that can be aggravated by exerting too much force during the expulsion.

When to use forceps

Labor comprises four periods, in which the first consists of dilation, the second extends from the end of the dilation to the expulsion of the fetus, the third corresponds to the expulsion of the placenta and fetal attachments, and the fourth continues for one hour after delivery.

If any difficulties occur during the second period of delivery, it may be necessary to resort to the use of forceps, which are generally used to exercise traction or correct position anomalies, but for this, the dilation must already be complete.

In addition, the use of forceps is also indicated in case of fetal distress, cord prolapse during the expulsion period or if there are maternal conditions that contraindicate the expulsion effort, as in the case of heart diseases, pneumopathies, brain tumors or aneurysms, the effort of which may lead to a hemorrhagic stroke.

How is forceps delivery

The woman must be informed about the procedure, the bladder must be emptied, the cervix must be completely dilated and effective analgesia must be performed and the professional must know the chosen instrument well.

After lubrication, each slide is slid next to the fetus' head, and an episiotomy may be necessary to enlarge the birth canal. If there is no descent of the head, even with the use of forceps, it may be necessary to perform a cesarean section. See how a cesarean is performed.

Possible risks

The use of forceps during labor is a risk factor for the development of urinary incontinence in the mother and for the occurrence of vaginal or perineal trauma, which is much higher than spontaneous delivery without the use of forceps.

In the case of the baby, the use of this instrument can result in the appearance of bruises on the head, which usually disappear during the following weeks. The use of forceps rarely causes permanent sequelae in the baby.

What are the contraindications to the use of forceps

The contraindications for forceps delivery are the lack of conditions to perform the procedure and the obstetrician's lack of experience with this instrument.

How is forceps delivery and what are the consequences