Home Bulls Baby skin allergy causes, symptoms and what to do

Baby skin allergy causes, symptoms and what to do


Allergy to the baby's skin is common, since the skin is thinner and more sensitive, thus having a greater susceptibility to infections, for example. In addition, it can be easily irritated by any factor, be it heat or fabrics, leading to the appearance of reddish spots, itching and change in the texture of the skin. See what are the most common skin problems in babies.

The allergy can cause a lot of discomfort for the baby, so it is important to consult a pediatrician as soon as the first changes in the skin are observed so that it is possible to identify the cause of the allergy and to start the treatment.

Main causes

Skin allergy is common in babies, as the skin is very sensitive. The main causes of allergy on the baby's skin are:

  1. Heat: Excessive heat, caused both by wearing too many clothes and by excessive exposure to the sun, can lead to skin irritation due to pore clogging, the allergy being manifested in the form of sprouts. The rash is small red balls that can appear on the neck, under the arms or in the diaper area, which can result in itching. See how to identify and treat the rash; Fabrics: Because the baby's skin is very sensitive, some fabrics can cause allergic reactions in the baby, such as wool, synthetic, nylon or flannel, as they prevent the skin from breathing properly. Thus, the use of cotton fabrics is more indicated; Chemical agents: Some types of talc, shampoo or moisturizing creams can cause irritation on the baby's skin. So it is important to pay attention to any changes in the baby's skin after using any of these products; Food: Some foods can cause allergic reactions in the baby and are usually manifested by the appearance of red spots that itch after eating a certain food. Learn how to identify and how to avoid food allergies in your baby.

The allergy on the baby's skin because of the diaper, which is characterized by the presence of reddish spots on the butt or genital area, is not really an allergy, but an irritation due to ammonia, which is a substance present in the urine that attacks the baby. baby's sensitive skin. See what are the other causes of red spots on the baby's skin.

Signs and symptoms of allergy

The main signs of a baby's skin allergy are:

  • Red spots on the skin; Itching; Rough, moist, dry or scaly skin; Presence of small bubbles or lumps.

As soon as the signs of allergy are noticed, it is important to take the baby to the pediatrician so that the cause of the allergy can be identified and, thus, treatment can be started as soon as possible to avoid complications, such as infections, for example.

What to do

To treat a baby's skin allergy, the doctor may recommend the use of antihistamine or corticosteroid medications, in addition to indicating ointments with corticosteroids suitable for skin allergy and the use of a specific moisturizer for baby skin.

It is also important to identify and avoid the agent that causes the allergy. For example, if the allergic reaction occurs due to a specific shampoo or moisturizing cream, the treatment consists especially in not using these products and exchanging them for others, thus avoiding skin irritation.

Baby skin allergy causes, symptoms and what to do