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Obesity: complications and how to protect yourself


Doing physical exercise at least 3 times a week as water aerobics, short daily half-hour walks or cycling help prevent obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, breathing difficulties and decreased fertility, in men and women. in the woman.

These diseases caused by obesity are usually controlled and often cured when the weight loss process begins.

1. Diabetes

The increase in caloric intake makes the insulin produced by the body insufficient for all the sugar that is ingested in the diet, accumulating in the blood. In addition, the body itself begins to resist the action of insulin, facilitating the development of type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes is easily reversed with weight loss and some physical activity.

2.High cholesterol

In addition to the visible fat in the belly, thighs or hips, obesity also causes the accumulation of fat inside the blood vessels in the form of cholesterol which increases the risk of stroke or infarction, for example.

3. Hypertension

Excess fat accumulated inside and outside blood vessels makes it harder for blood to pass through the body, forcing the heart to work harder, which not only increases blood pressure but can lead to long-term heart failure.

4. Breathing problems

The excessive weight of fat on the lung makes it difficult for air to enter and exit, which usually leads to a potentially fatal syndrome, which is sleep apnea. Learn more about this issue.

5. Impotence and infertility

Hormonal disorders caused by excess fat can not only increase the amount of hair on a woman's face but lead to the development of a polycystic ovary that makes conception difficult. In men, obesity compromises blood circulation throughout the body, interfering with erection.

In addition, overweight and poor diet are related to the increased risk of colorectal cancer and prostate cancer in men. In women, obesity can cause cancer of the breast, endometrium, ovaries and biliary tract.

How to know if it is obesity

Obesity is considered when the body mass index (BMI) is equal to or greater than 35 kg / m². To find out if you are at risk of developing these diseases, enter your personal data here and take the test:

To avoid the isolation and depression common among the obese and more frequent the more severe the obesity, it is important to follow a plan and establish rules that must be followed regardless of the will.

Watch the video to see how to lose weight in a healthy way so you don't get fat again.

Obesity: complications and how to protect yourself