Home Symptoms What to do against excessive sweating and underarm odor

What to do against excessive sweating and underarm odor


The best way to treat the smell of sweat, also known scientifically as bromhidrosis, is to take measures that help to decrease the amount of bacteria that develop in the regions of greater perspiration, such as armpits, feet or hands, as they are the main responsible for produce the substances that produce the bad smell you feel.

These tips must be adapted for each person because, often, just changing the type of soap used daily is enough to reduce the smell of sweat.

So, 7 tips to treat the smell of sweat that can be made at home include:

  1. Use antiseptic soaps, such as Protex or Dettol; Dry the skin well after bathing, using a soft towel; Avoid eating onions, garlic and spicy or spicy food; Use cotton clothes and change them daily, thus avoiding synthetic clothes; Avoid repeating the same clothes daily; Shave your armpits or keep your hair short; Use antiperspirant deodorant daily. See how to prepare a homemade and natural deodorant in How to make Homemade Deodorants.

Another important tip for those who have a strong smell of sweat in the armpit is to wash the part of the clothes that is in contact with the armpit with coconut soap before putting it in the washing machine and after the clothes are dry it is important to pass the iron in the same place, thus eliminating the bacteria left in the tissue.

Also watch the following video and learn how to get rid of underarm smells:

Cabbage juice to eliminate the smell of sweat

Cabbage and parsley juice is an excellent option, and can be prepared as follows:


  • 1 carrot; 1 apple; 1 cabbage leaf; 1 handful of parsley.

Method of preparation:

  • Beat all the ingredients in the blender or pass in the centrifuge and drink immediately.

This juice should be drunk daily, twice a day.

Eating a balanced diet, avoiding excessive intake of protein-rich foods, such as red meat, cheese and eggs, and foods with a strong aroma, such as garlic or onions, also helps to reduce the smell of sweat.

Baking soda with lemon

Another recipe that can help eliminate strong underarm odor is to apply a mixture of baking soda and lemon after bathing, which should be done as follows:


  • 1 lemon; half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Method of preparation:

  • Place 3 drops of lemon along with the baking soda and apply to the armpits, let it act for 5 minutes and wash with water afterwards.

After applying this mixture it is necessary not to expose the armpit to the sun because of the risk of developing spots on the spot.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to consult a dermatologist when sweating is very intense or the smell is very strong, as they can often be symptoms of hormonal changes, kidney, liver disease or diabetes.

In more severe cases, your doctor may recommend treatment with creams that contain aluminum or other antiperspirants and antibiotics, such as erythromycin. The doctor may also indicate laser procedures, surgery such as liposuction of the glands and injection of botulinum toxin, known as botox. See more what is botox and other situations in which it can be applied.

What to do against excessive sweating and underarm odor