Home Symptoms Abdominal ultrasound: what is it for, how is it done and prepared

Abdominal ultrasound: what is it for, how is it done and prepared


Abdominal ultrasound or ultrasound (USG) is the exam performed to identify changes in the abdomen, which uses high frequency sound waves to visualize internal organs, such as liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, uterus, ovary and bladder, for example.

The ultrasound can be total abdomen, which visualizes all solid or fluid-filled organs, but it can also be specified as upper or lower, to focus only on organs in the desired region, identifying diseases or changes in these organs. Some of the main indications for ultrasound include:

  • Identify the presence of tumors, cysts, nodules or masses in the abdomen; Observe the presence of stones in the gallbladder and urinary tract; Detect changes in the anatomy of the abdominal organs, which happen in some diseases; Identify swelling or changes suggestive of inflammation in the organs, such as accumulation of fluid, blood or pus; observe lesions in the tissues and muscles that make up the abdominal wall, such as abscesses or hernias.

In addition, when performed with the Doppler function, ultrasound is useful to identify blood flow in the vessels, which is important for observing obstructions, thrombosis, narrowing or dilation of these vessels. Learn about other types of ultrasound and how they are done.

However, this test is not a suitable method for analyzing organs that contain air, such as intestines or stomach, as it is impaired by the presence of gases. Therefore, in order to observe organs of the digestive tract, other tests may be requested, such as endoscopy or colonoscopy, for example.

Where to do the ultrasound

Ultrasound can be done free of charge by SUS, with the proper medical indication, and can be covered by some health plans. In particular, the price of abdominal ultrasound varies according to the place where it is performed and the details of the exam, such as the type of ultrasound, becoming more expensive as forms of technology are associated, such as doppler or 4D ultrasound for example.

How is done

The ultrasound exam is performed by passing the device, called a transducer, in the area to be evaluated. This transducer emits sound waves in the abdominal region, which forms images that will be projected on a computer screen. During the examination, the doctor may request movement to some side or to hold the breath, as a way to facilitate the visualization of a specific organ.

To facilitate the conduction of sound waves and the sliding of the device in the abdomen, a colorless and water-based gel is used, which does not cause any risk to health. In addition, it should be remembered that this test has no contraindications, is painless and does not use radiation harmful to health, however, it needs some preparations to improve its effectiveness.

Ultrasound can also be performed in other regions of the body, such as breasts, thyroid or joints, for example, and can rely on new technologies for better effectiveness, such as 4D ultrasound. Learn about other types of ultrasound and how they are done.

Ultrasound transducer

Ultrasound equipment

Exam preparation

To perform the abdominal ultrasound exam, it is necessary:

  • Leave the bladder full, drinking 4 to 6 glasses of water before the exam, which allows the bladder to be filled for a better assessment of its walls and its contents; Fast for at least 6 to 8 hours, so that the gallbladder is full, and it is easier to evaluate it. In addition, fasting decreases the amount of gas in the intestine, which can make it difficult to see inside the abdomen.

In people with a lot of gas or constipation, it may be recommended to use drops of Dimethicone before the main meals the day before or 1 hour before the exam.

Abdominal ultrasound detects pregnancy?

The total abdomen ultrasound is not the most suitable to detect or accompany a pregnancy, and the ultrasound of the pelvis is recommended, which visualizes in more detail the organs of this region, such as the uterus and ovaries in women or the prostate in men, for example. example.

To detect pregnancy in its initial phase, it is also possible to indicate transvaginal ultrasound, which is done with the introduction of the device in the vagina and to visualize more clearly the parts of the uterus and its attachments. Learn more about when it is indicated and how the transvaginal ultrasound is done.

Abdominal ultrasound: what is it for, how is it done and prepared