Creatine is a dietary supplement that many athletes adhere to, especially athletes in the areas of bodybuilding, weight training or sports that require muscle explosion, such as sprinting. This supplement helps in gaining lean mass, increases the diameter of the muscle fiber and improves physical performance, as well as helps in the prevention of sports injuries.
Creatine is a substance naturally produced by the kidneys and liver and the supplements of this compound can be taken for approximately 2 to 3 months, under the guidance of a doctor, nutritionist or nutrologist, varying the maintenance dose between 3 and 5 g per day according to weight.
How to take Creatine
Creatine supplements can be taken in 3 different ways, and all can have benefits in increasing muscle mass, but always accompanied with strength training because supplementation without weight training and adequate nutrition does not lead to any increase in muscle mass.
The most common form of use is creatine supplementation for 3 months, where supplementation is done with about 2 to 5 grams of creatine per day for 2 to 3 months. Another option is creatine supplementation with overload, in which in the first days of supplementation 0.3 g / kg of creatine weight is taken, and the dose should be divided to 3 to 4 times a day. This type of supplementation promotes muscle saturation and then the dose should be reduced to 5 grams per day for 12 weeks.
Creatine can be taken at any time of the day, as it has a cumulative effect on the body and is not immediate, so there is no need to take the supplement at a specific time. In addition, creatine is indicated to increase muscle size, strength and improve performance, and is not recommended for weight loss.
Regardless of the form of consumption, creatine supplementation must be done under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist and must be accompanied by intense training and adequate nutrition. It is recommended that creatine be taken after training along with a high glycemic index carbohydrate, so that a peak of insulin is generated and, thus, it can be carried by the body more easily, having more benefits.
Benefits of creatine
Creatine is an inexpensive supplement that has several benefits, the main ones being:
- Provides energy for muscle fibers, preventing muscle fatigue and favoring strength training; Facilitates muscle recovery; Increases muscle volume, as it promotes fluid accumulation within cells; Promotes fat-free muscle mass gain; Prevents injuries.
In addition to having benefits related to physical activity, some studies also indicate that creatine has a neuroprotective function, preventing and reducing the severity of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and muscular dystrophy. In addition, this supplement can also have positive effects and benefits when used as a complement to the treatment of diabetes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, cerebral and cardiac ischemia and depression.
Is creatine fattening?
Creatine generally does not cause weight gain, however, one of the effects of its use is the swelling of muscle cells, which causes the muscles to become more swollen, but it is not necessarily related to water retention. However, there are some types of creatine that have other substances that make up creatine, such as sodium, for example, this substance being responsible for water retention.
Thus, it is important that creatine is indicated by the doctor or nutritionist, and should be consumed as directed, in addition to paying attention to the product label.
Is taking creatine bad?
Taking creatine at the recommended doses is not bad for the body, as the recommended doses are very low, which means that there is not enough to overload the kidneys.
However, the safest way to take creatine is through the monitoring of a doctor or nutritionist, as it is important to respect the legally recommended doses and periodically evaluate their effects on the body. In addition, it is important that those who practice physical exercise make an adequate diet, which ensures the replenishment of energy and correct recovery of the muscles.
See what to eat before and after training by watching this video from our nutritionist: