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Laser hair removal for black skin


Laser hair removal can be performed on black skin, without the risk of burns, when using equipment such as the 800 nm diode laser and the Nd: YAG 1, 064 nm laser as they maintain the direction of the point energy, affecting only the bulb, which it is the initial portion of the hair, and it distributes little heat on the skin surface, without causing burns.

In addition, these laser equipments have a more modern system in which the skin contact surface is cooled, reducing pain and discomfort after each shot.

As black skin has a higher risk of suffering from folliculitis, which are ingrown hairs, laser hair removal is, in this case, particularly indicated as a way to prevent dark spots that may arise as a result of folliculitis. In addition, this treatment eliminates up to 95% of unwanted hair during the complete treatment, generally requiring 1 maintenance session each year. See how laser hair removal works.

Why is conventional laser not recommended?

During hair removal with conventional laser, the laser is attracted by melanin, which is the pigment present in the hairs and skin, not being able to distinguish between one and the other and, for this reason, in the case of black or very tanned skins, which have a lot of melanin, conventional lasers can cause burns, which does not happen with the YAG laser and the diode laser with a wavelength of 800 nm.

How to prepare

To perform laser hair removal, it is important to:

  • Have not done waxing for less than 20 days, only shave with a razor at the time of laser hair removal; Do not use acid skin treatments about 10 days before treatment; Do not expose yourself to the sun 1 month before treatment; Apply daily sunscreen in the shaved region.

The interval time between each session varies between 30-45 days.

Where and how many sessions to do

Laser hair removal for black skin can be performed in dermatological and aesthetic clinics. The number of sessions to be done may vary from person to person, but it is recommended to have around 4-6 sessions per region.

Before conducting each session, it is important to make sure that the person performing the procedure is a doctor, a specialist physiotherapist or beautician with specific training, as they are the professionals duly qualified for this type of treatment.

Watch the following video and clarify your doubts about laser hair removal:

Laser hair removal for black skin