Home Bulls Crossfit for beginners: best exercises and how to do

Crossfit for beginners: best exercises and how to do


Crossfit beginner exercises help you to adjust your posture and learn some basic movements that will be needed over time in most exercises. Thus, it is a great way to strengthen some muscles and avoid injuries in heavier workouts at the gym, for example.

The crossfit is a training that aims to improve physical capacity through exercises that mimic everyday movements, using body weight and some equipment such as bars, ropes, medicine balls, rubber bands and rings. This type of training exercises several muscles, joints and tendons, helping to lose fat, tone muscles and develop strength and flexibility.

All people can do crossfit, as the degree of demand can be adapted according to the capacity of each person, but it is important to consult a doctor before starting any type of new physical exercise.

Crossfit training for beginners

Crossfit training is usually a short workout, varying between 20 to 45 minutes, but it is very intense and flexible, since the person can adapt the training to their abilities, increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions of each exercise or the loads of the equipment you use.

1. Burpee

The burpee is a simple exercise that works the whole body and does not require the use of material and, therefore, can be done anywhere. During the burpee , the back, chest, legs, arms and butt are exercised, at the same time, helping to lose fat and weight, as it requires a huge expenditure of energy.

So, to do this exercise you must:

  1. Standing: you should keep your feet aligned with your shoulders; Lower the body to the ground: throwing the feet back and taking the body towards the ground, supporting the hands; Stay in a plank position: touching the chest and thighs on the floor; To lift: to raise the trunk, pushing with the arms and to raise, making a small jump and stretching the arms.

Then, you must repeat these movements as many times as necessary, to make between 8 to 12 burpees . It is important to try to keep pace during the execution of the burpees so that the results are more quickly achieved.

2. Sit-ups

The abdominal exercise, or sit up , is a great exercise to work the belly and tone the muscles of the abdomen, and to do this exercise correctly you must:

  1. Lie on the floor: the person should lean back and bend the knees, supporting the feet on the floor; Lift your back: it is necessary to raise the trunk towards the knees and lower the trunk again until the back of the shoulders touch the ground.

During this exercise the person can cross the arms next to the trunk, or follow the movement of the trunk with the arms swinging them.

3. Squat

The squat, also known as squat , is a very complete exercise, as it exercises your thighs, belly, back and butt at the same time. Knowing how to do a squat correctly is essential as it helps you lose weight, tone all muscles and increase joint flexibility. Thus, you should:

  1. Stand up: spread your feet shoulder width apart; Bend the knees: the knees should be bent, throwing the hips downwards, until they reach beyond the knee line, and push the butt back, as if sitting in a chair, keeping the back up. During exercise, the knees must not pass in front of the toe line; Extend your legs: you should stretch your legs, which are bent, to return to the starting position, using your heels on the floor and contracting your buttocks, until you are standing.

During the execution of the squat, the arms should be moved to the rhythm of the exercise. In addition, the squat can also be done with barbell or dumbbells, increasing the difficulty of the exercise and improving the results.

Benefits of Crossfit Training

Crossfit training has several benefits for the body and health, such as:

  • Improves breathing and increases cardiac capacity; Tones all muscles in the body; Helps lose weight; Decreases fat mass and increases lean mass; Increases strength; Contributes to increased flexibility and coordination; Improves mobility and balance Decreases stress and increases self-esteem.

The person who does crossfit by improving the functioning of his body through training, improves his body posture at home and at work, because this type of training includes functional movements, which are those that are needed to do daily activities, such as lowering or climbing stairs, for example.

In addition, it is essential to associate a diet rich in foods with lean protein, such as chicken, turkey or fish, grains such as peas or beans, as well as fruits and vegetables. Here's how to do this type of crossfit diet.

Crossfit for beginners: best exercises and how to do