Home Bulls How to take cactus to lose weight

How to take cactus to lose weight


Cactus is a vitamin supplement from the brand Nutreo, which has a diuretic effect, burns fat, speeds up metabolism and helps you lose weight because it still has a thermogenic action and decreases appetite.

This herbal medicine contains the fruit of the Opuntia ficus-indica cactus , also known as prickly pear, as well as cysteine, taurine and antioxidants such as flavonoids, making it an excellent slimming agent that contributes to the elimination of excess body fluids..

Each capsule also contains vitamin C, omega 3 and 6, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

With these capsules it is possible to lose about 3 kg per month and reduce the measurements of the hips, thighs and waist by 2 cm in just 1 month of use.

What is it for

The supplement Cactinea in capsules is indicated to lose weight, fight fluid retention, reduce appetite and burn fat, without harming health.

How to take

It is recommended to take up to 2g of Cactin per day, divided into 500 mg capsules, which can be taken for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner

Price and where to buy

Each package of cactin costs the equivalent of 130 reais and this supplement is available for sale on the internet, on the manufacturer's official website.

Possible side effects

According to the manufacturer's information, this natural supplement has no side effects, but should not be ingested by children under the age of 12, even during pregnancy because there are no data on their safety in these situations.

How to take cactus to lose weight