Home Bulls Can I take contraceptives after the morning after pill?

Can I take contraceptives after the morning after pill?


After taking the pill the next day the woman should start taking the contraceptive pill as soon as the next day. However, anyone using an IUD or taking a contraceptive injection can now use these methods on the same day as using the emergency pill. But in both cases, the woman must use a condom in the first 7 days to really avoid becoming pregnant.

The morning-after pill serves to prevent unwanted pregnancies and should only be taken as an emergency after intercourse without a condom, in case of a condom break or in case of sexual abuse. After its use, contraceptive methods should be adopted to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

How to Avoid Pregnancy After the Next Day Pill

After using the morning-after pill, it is important for the woman to use her contraceptive method again to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Know the main contraceptive methods.

1. Birth control pill

If the woman is using the pill, it is recommended that she continue taking it normally from the day after the use of the morning after pill. In the case of women who do not use this contraceptive method, it is recommended to start the next day after using the morning-after pill.

Even with the use of the morning-after pill and the contraceptive method, it is recommended that a shirt be used for the first 7 days.

2. Adhesive

In the case of the woman using contraceptive patch, it is recommended to put the patch on the day after the use of the pill the next day. Condoms are also recommended for the first 7 days.

3. Progestin contraceptive injection

In such cases, it is recommended that the woman take the injection on the same day as taking the pill the next day or up to 7 days after the next menstruation.

4. Monthly contraceptive injection

If the woman is using a contraceptive injection, it is recommended that the injection be given on the same day as taking the pill the next day or waiting until the next menstruation and giving the injection on the first day.

5. Conceptual implant

In such cases, it is recommended to place the implant as soon as the menstruation comes down and continue using the condom until the first day of menstruation.

6. Hormonal or Copper IUD

The IUD can be placed on the same day that the morning after pill is taken, with no contraindications, only the recommendation to use condoms in the first 7 days.

The use of condoms during this period is important because, thus, it is guaranteed that the woman is not at risk of becoming pregnant, since hormonal fluctuations in her bloodstream, only normalize after this period.

Can I take contraceptives after the morning after pill?