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How to sunbathe to produce more vitamin D


To produce vitamin D safely, you should sunbathe for at least 15 minutes a day, without using sunscreen. For dark or black skin, this time should be 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, because the darker the skin, the more difficult it is to produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet B solar radiation (UVB) and is the main source of this vitamin for the body, as foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish and liver, do not provide the necessary amount of this daily nutrient. Find out what foods you can find vitamin D.

Being exposed to direct sunlight with light clothing

Best time to sunbathe

The best time to sunbathe is when the shadow of the body is less than the height itself, which usually happens between 10am and 3pm, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun during the hottest times of the day, between 12 noon and 3 pm, due to the risk of skin cancer.

The level of vitamin D produced by the person depends on several factors, such as the region where they live, the season, the color of the skin, the eating habits and even the type of clothing that is used. Therefore, in general, an exposure of about 25% of the body surface to the sun is indicated, that is, exposing the arms and legs to the sun, for about 5 to 15 minutes a day.

To properly produce vitamin D, it is necessary to sunbathe for at least 15 minutes for light skin and 30 minutes to 1 hour for dark skin. Sunbathing should be done outdoors, with as much exposed skin and without barriers as car windows or sunscreen, so that UVB rays directly reach the largest amount of skin possible.

Babies and the elderly also need to sunbathe daily to prevent vitamin D deficiencies, however, special care should be taken with the elderly, as they need at least 20 minutes in the sun to produce adequate amounts of this vitamin.

What happens if you lack vitamin D

The main consequences of vitamin D deficiency are:

  • Weakening of the bones; Osteoporosis in adults and the elderly; Osteomalacia in children; Muscle weakness and weakness; Decreased calcium and phosphorus in the blood;

The diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency is made through a blood test called 25 (OH) D, where normal values ​​are greater than 30 ng / ml. Know what can cause lack of vitamin D.

How to sunbathe to produce more vitamin D