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How to treat anemia in pregnancy


Anemia during pregnancy is normal, especially between the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as there is a reduction in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and an increase in iron requirements, which can result in risks for both mother and baby, such as weakness, premature birth and stunted growth, for example.

Thus, it is important that the woman is accompanied by the gynecologist and obstetrician regularly, especially if she has symptoms of anemia, so that treatment can be started if necessary. Usually treatment for anemia in pregnancy is by increasing the intake of foods rich in iron and folic acid, such as meat, liver steak and dark green vegetables, as well as iron supplementation medications.

What to eat

To treat anemia in pregnancy it is recommended to eat foods rich in iron such as meat, liver steak, beans, spinach and cabbage. To enhance the absorption of iron present in food, one should drink the juice or eat a citrus fruit with the meal, such as orange, lemon, pineapple or tangerine. See more iron-rich foods.

In addition to food, the obstetrician can also prescribe daily iron supplementation, with ferrous sulfate, liquid or tablet, being the most widely used supplement. These iron supplements can cause side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea and heartburn, and in women whose symptoms are very strong, you can opt for daily iron injections. However, these injections are painful and can cause spots on the skin.

See what to eat to cure anemia in the following video:

Also check out some recipes for anemia.

Signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnancy

The symptoms of anemia in pregnancy are specific to the land and can be confused with the symptoms of the pregnancy itself. The main signs of anemia during pregnancy are:

  • Tiredness; Dizziness; Headache; Leg pain; Lack of appetite; Pale skin; Discolored eyes.

In addition, other symptoms such as hair loss may also appear, but are more common in cases of severe anemia.

The diagnosis of anemia in pregnancy is made through mandatory prenatal blood tests, which assess the amount of hemoglobin and ferritin present in the blood. Values ​​lower than 11 g / dL of hemoglobin are indicators of anemia, and it is important that treatment be started as soon as possible to prevent complications.

Risks of anemia in pregnancy

Anemia during pregnancy poses risks especially for women, as women are weaker and more likely to develop postpartum infections. In the case of very severe anemias that have not been identified or treated correctly, the baby's development can also be compromised, with low birth weight, difficulty in growth, premature births and abortion, for example.

These complications can be easily avoided when treatment is done according to medical guidelines. Know some options of home remedies for anemia in pregnancy.

How to treat anemia in pregnancy