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Chlamydia treatment


Treatment for chlamydia is done using antibiotics according to the doctor's guidance. During treatment it is recommended that the person does not have any type of intimate contact and that his partner also follow the same treatment to avoid further infections by the disease-causing agent.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and that can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. Infection with this bacterium often does not cause any symptoms, and it is important that women perform routine gynecological exams at least once a year, just as men should go to the urologist.

In addition, to avoid not only chlamydia but also other sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to use a condom at all times, as when chlamydia is not identified and treated, the bacteria can spread to other pelvic organs and cause irreversible damage., such as infertility. Understand what Chlamydia is.

Chlamydia remedies

The most suitable drugs for the treatment of chlamydia are Azithromycin, which can be taken in a single dose, or Doxycycline, which must be taken for 7 days or according to the doctor's guidance. Other remedies that can be indicated for the treatment of chlamydia are Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Ofloxacin, Rifampicin, Sulfamethoxazole and Tetracycline, which should be taken according to the medical recommendation.

During pregnancy, treatment of the infection should be done with Azithromycin or Erythromycin.

The medicine indicated by the gynecologist or urologist must be taken in the dose and during the days indicated by him and during this period it is advised not to have intimate contact and to take the medicines until the prescribed date even if the symptoms disappear before that date. In addition, partners should also be treated even if they have no symptoms, as this is a disease that only passes from one person to another through sexual intercourse without a condom.

During treatment with antibiotics it is possible that side effects related to the medication may arise, such as diarrhea. If this happens, the medication should be continued, but it is recommended that the person take a replenisher of the intestinal flora such as UL 250, for example. example. Check out other strategies to fight diarrhea caused by antibiotics.

Signs of improvement or worsening

In people who show symptoms of Chlamydia trachomatis infection, signs of improvement may be seen after the second or third day of treatment. However, in someone who is asymptomatic, it may be more difficult to see any sign of improvement, although it does not indicate that the person is not being cured. Therefore, it is important in these cases to perform microbiological culture of the genital region to verify the presence or absence of the bacteria. Learn to recognize the symptoms of chlamydia.

The increase in the severity of symptoms or the appearance of complications, such as infertility, for example, can be seen in people who do not perform the treatment of chlamydia correctly.

Possible complications

Complications of chlamydia when the disease is not treated correctly are:

  • Infertility; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Inflammation of the urethra; Pelvic adhesions; Salpingitis, which corresponds to chronic inflammation of the uterine tubes; Chronic pelvic pain; Ectopic pregnancy; Obstruction in the tubes.

In addition, Reiter's syndrome can also occur in men, which is characterized by inflammation of the urethra, severe conjunctivitis, called trachoma, arthritis and lesions located in the genitals. Understand what Reiter's Syndrome is.

Chlamydia treatment