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Soft cancer: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Soft cancer is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi, which, despite its name suggests, is not a type of cancer, being characterized by wounds in the genital region, of irregular shape, that can appear up to 3 to 10 days after a unprotected relationship.

Soft cancer is curable, however, it needs to be treated with antibiotics indicated by a urologist, gynecologist or infectious disease, in order to avoid complications such as permanent scarring. Therefore, if an infection is suspected after unprotected sex, it is very important to go to the doctor, not only to detect the presence of soft cancer, but also of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Soft cancer is also known as soft venereal ulcer, cancer, simple venereal cancer and can sometimes be confused with syphilis.

See a list of some symptoms that may indicate an STD.

Main symptoms

The first symptoms of soft cancer appear up to 10 days after infection by the bacteria and usually include:

  • Red lumps and lumps in the genital region; Development of open wounds; Constant pain in the intimate region; Pain or burning when urinating; Abnormal discharge through the urethra or bleeding when urinating.

Sores can appear on the male and female genitals or anus and therefore can cause pain during intimate contact and to evacuate. They can also be found on the lips, mouth and throat.

These symptoms can vary from person to person and there may also be cases where no symptoms appear, in addition to a small swelling in the genital region. This situation is more common in women, who sometimes discover the infection only during a routine visit to the gynecologist.

How to confirm if it is soft cancer

In order to diagnose soft cancer, a gynecologist, urologist or infectious disease specialist should be consulted so that he / she can look at the genitals for wounds or injuries. To confirm the disease, it may be necessary to carry out tests that include a scraping of the wound and sending it for laboratory analysis.

In addition, as the disease is somewhat similar to syphilis, the doctor may also order a specific blood test for syphilis, the VDRL, which must be repeated 30 days after starting treatment.

Differences between soft cancer and syphilis:

Mole cancer Hard Candro (Syphilis)
First symptoms appear in 3 to 10 days First symptoms appear in 21 to 30 days
Several wounds Single wound
Wound base is soft Wound base is hard
Sore and inflamed tongue on only one side Swollen tongues on both sides
Causes pain Causes no pain

As with any suspected STD, the doctor may also order tests to identify a possible infection with the HIV virus.

How the treatment is done

Usually, the treatment of soft cancer is done with the use of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, which can be done in a single dose, or for a period of 3 to 15 days, according to the symptoms and degree of the infection.

In addition, it is recommended to maintain basic hygiene care, washing the region with warm water and, if necessary, with a soap for the genital region, to avoid possible infections. Intimate contact should also be avoided during treatment, as there is a high risk of transmitting the bacteria, even with condom use.

Ideally, the partner who may have transmitted the disease should also undergo treatment.

See which antibiotics are most used in the treatment and which are the signs of improvement.

Soft cancer: what it is, symptoms and treatment