Home Bulls Diabulimia: the serious disease that can affect type 1 diabetics

Diabulimia: the serious disease that can affect type 1 diabetics


Diabulimia is a popular term used to describe a serious eating disorder that can arise in people with type 1 diabetes. In this disorder, the person intentionally reduces or stops taking the amount of insulin needed to control their blood sugar levels., with the goal of losing weight.

As in type 1 diabetes the body cannot produce any amount of insulin, when the person does not administer the necessary amount, several serious complications can arise that can be life-threatening.

Thus, people with type 1 diabetes who are taking a lower amount of insulin should consult a psychologist to assess whether they have this disorder, in order to initiate the most appropriate treatment and avoid health complications.

How to identify

Diabulimia is generally not easily identifiable, especially by other people. However, the person himself may suspect that he has this disorder when he has the following characteristics:

  • Has type 1 diabetes; Reduces the amount of insulin or omits certain doses altogether; Is afraid that insulin will cause weight gain.

In addition, as a person does not take insulin to lower blood sugar levels, signs of increased blood sugar may also appear, including dry mouth, thirst, frequent tiredness, drowsiness and headaches.

One way to be suspicious of diabulimia is to compare blood glucose readings from a previous period, noting whether it is currently easier to experience uncontrolled blood sugar levels. This is because, generally, people with type 1 diabetes, who make correct use of insulin, are able to keep blood glucose levels very well controlled.

What causes diabulimia

Diabulimia is a psychological disorder that develops out of an irrational fear that the person with type 1 diabetes has that the constant use of insulin can cause weight gain.

Thus, the person starts by reducing the units of insulin doses and may even end up omitting several doses throughout the day.

How the treatment is done

Since it is a psychological disorder, diabulimia should be discussed with a psychologist, first to confirm the diagnosis and then to start the most appropriate treatment. However, other health professionals who are used to dealing with diabetes, such as nutritionists or endocrinologists, should also be part of the treatment process.

Usually, the treatment plan starts with psychotherapy sessions to help the person have a more positive body image and to demystify the relationship between insulin use and weight changes.

Depending on the degree of the disorder, it may still be necessary to have a more regular check-up with the endocrinologist, as well as involving the whole family to help the person overcome this phase.

Possible complications

As an eating disorder, diabulimia is a very serious situation that can be life-threatening. The first complications of this disorder are directly related to the increase in blood sugar levels, which end up hindering the healing of wounds, facilitating the appearance of infections and leading to dehydration.

In the long term, even more serious complications can arise, such as:

  • Progressive loss of vision; Swelling of the eyes; Loss of sensation in the fingers and toes; Amputation of the feet or hands; Chronic diarrhea; Kidney and liver diseases.

In addition, as there is a lack of insulin in the blood, the body is unable to properly absorb the nutrients from the food eaten, ending up leaving the body in a situation of malnutrition and hunger that, together with other complications can leave the person in a coma and until it leads to death.

Diabulimia: the serious disease that can affect type 1 diabetics