Home Bulls Remedies, diet and natural options for liver disease

Remedies, diet and natural options for liver disease


To treat liver diseases, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis, for example, it is generally necessary to follow guidelines such as rest, medications prescribed by the doctor, surgery, diet indicated by the nutritionist and the practice of regular physical exercise or physical therapy, if you are unable to practice exercise.

Treatment can be done at home or it may be necessary to stay in hospital to be hydrated, drain the accumulation of abdominal fluid, if any, or receive the drugs through the vein, and this varies according to the stage or severity of the disease. The gastroenterologist or hepatologist are the doctors who must indicate the best treatment.

It is important that the liver disease is treated as soon as it is identified, as it can get worse over time and cause several unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in the right abdomen, swelling of the belly, skin color and yellowish eyes and yellowish, gray stools, black or white, so when any of these symptoms are present, the individual should consult with the doctor to determine the type of liver disease, its cause and indicate the appropriate treatment. Learn to identify the main symptoms of liver problems.

Treatment options

The treatment options used for liver diseases vary according to their causes and severity, and should be indicated for each person according to the doctor's recommendations. Some of the main options include:

  • Rest, hydration and care with food, in case of acute inflammation of the liver, such as hepatitis; Diet with whole foods and low in fats, regular practice of physical activity and weight loss, in case of fat in the liver. Check the nutritionist's guidelines on the diet for fat in the liver; Use of medicines, such as antivirals in cases of hepatitis B or C, antibiotics in case of infections, such as abscesses, corticosteroids in the case of autoimmune hepatitis, or other specific medications, such as to remove excess iron in hemochromatosis or copper in Wilson's disease, for example.Use of laxatives to regulate the intestine, diet or abdominal fluid drainage and use of laxatives to regulate the intestine when the disease reaches the cirrhosis stage. Learn more about treatment options for cirrhosis; Surgery, in case of obstruction of the bile ducts or removal of some part of the liver, if there are lesions or tumors in the organ; Chemotherapy or radiation therapy can also be done in the case of liver cancer. Learn how to identify and what to do in case of liver cancer; Liver transplantation is done in some cases where the liver stops working, such as in severe liver cirrhosis, caused by diseases such as alcoholic liver cirrhosis, hepatitis B or C or biliary cirrhosis, for example.

In addition, in order for the liver function to be regularized and the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to control other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, with regular consultations, as indicated by the doctor, for control tests and treatment adjustments.

Other important recommendations for the treatment of liver disease are not to consume drugs, alcoholic beverages or unnecessary medications. However, treatment for liver disease can be prolonged, so it may be necessary for the individual to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor for life.

How should the food be

Care with food is very important in the treatment of any liver disease, as it helps in the regeneration of liver cells and makes the liver continue to exercise its function of converting food into energy and detoxifying the body.

1. What to eat

The diet for people with liver disease includes easily digestible foods, such as:

  • Grilled fish; Skinless cooked chicken; Salads; Gelatin; Peeled and mainly cooked fruits; White rice; Vegetables and greens, especially those with dark green leaves.

In addition, it is important for the individual to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

2. What not to eat

Foods that should be avoided by anyone with liver disease include:

  • Fatty foods; Soft drinks; Fried foods; Sweets; Coffee; Condiments; Red meats; Fried eggs; Canned, sausages and sausages.

Alcohol consumption is also contraindicated, as it has a toxic effect on liver cells.

Natural treatment for liver disease

Natural treatment for liver disease can be done with thistle capsules, sold in health food stores, under the doctor's guidance or thistle tea, as this medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antioxidant properties, depuratives and digestion facilitators that help treat liver problems and do not replace other medications prescribed by the doctor.

To make tea of ​​thistle, just add 1 tablespoon of dried thistle leaves to 1 cup of boiling water and drink the tea about 3 times a day.

Check out more recipes and natural treatment options for liver problems.

Remedies, diet and natural options for liver disease