- How treatment should be
- Signs of improvement
- When to go to the doctor
- How to avoid transmission
- Do vaccinated children also get sick?
The treatment for rotavirus infection must be done through hydration, mainly, and rest, since the infection is self-limiting, that is, the organism itself is responsible for the elimination of Rotavirus. In some cases, depending on the symptoms presented, the doctor may indicate the use of some medications to relieve the symptoms.
Rotavirus is a more frequent infection in children, especially up to 2 years of age, characterized by intense diarrhea and vomiting and that can last for a few days, preventing them from going to daycare or school, for example. Learn to recognize the symptoms of rotavirus infection.
How treatment should be
Rotavirus is a self-limiting disease, that is, the body itself is responsible for fighting infection. However it is important that the child is at rest, avoid going to day care or school and drink plenty of fluids during the day, as this infection is characterized by vomiting and diarrhea, it is possible that the child is easily dehydrated. To keep the child hydrated, it is recommended to give the child plenty of water and coconut water and, in some cases, serum, which can be made at home. Find out how homemade whey is made.
In some cases, when the child has other symptoms, especially fever, the pediatrician may recommend the use of some medications, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in intercalated doses to relieve the symptoms.
It is normal for the baby and child to lose their appetite and not want to eat anything but it is important to offer fluids and food in small quantities several times a day. The food should be light and can be made with gelatin, vegetable soup and chicken soup, for example.
After each meal, an episode of diarrhea is normal, so the child is very sensitive and may cry because he feels uncomfortable with the situation. The ideal is that during rotavirus disease the guardians are very close to the child, giving all the care they need. In addition, it is not recommended to force the child to eat or give the child medication to stop diarrhea, as it is important to eliminate the agent responsible for the infection.
Signs of improvement
The signs of improvement usually appear after the 5th day, when episodes of diarrhea and vomiting begin to subside. Gradually the child starts to become more active and has more interest in playing and talking which may indicate that the virus concentration is decreasing and that is why he is getting cured.
The child can return to school or daycare after spending 24 hours eating normally, without any episodes of diarrhea or vomiting.
When to go to the doctor
It is important that the child is taken to the pediatrician when he presents:
- Diarrhea or vomiting with blood; Lots of drowsiness; The child sleeps a lot or looks like he just wants to sleep; Refusal of any type of liquids or food; Chills; Convulsions due to high fever.
In addition, it is recommended to take the child to the doctor when signs and symptoms of dehydration are verified, such as dry mouth and skin, lack of sweat, dark circles under the eyes, constant low fever and decreased heart rate. Here's how to recognize the signs and symptoms of dehydration.
How to avoid transmission
The child with rotavirus disease should not be in contact with other children and therefore should not go to daycare or school to avoid transmission. When there are siblings in the house, it is common for everyone to be infected and get sick at the same time. However, newborn babies and up to 3 months of age tend to be asymptomatic or have the mildest form with little diarrhea and even without vomiting.
In addition, it is common for parents, or at least the guardian, who is caring for the child, to be infected as well. However, in adults the disease manifests itself mildly and there may only be stomach or abdominal pain and there is not always vomiting or diarrhea.
Therefore, to avoid transmission it is important to avoid sharing objects that the child has used, always wash your hands before and after coming into contact with the child and washing and disinfecting surfaces that the child may have come into contact with. In addition, to prevent rotavirus infection, it is recommended that the rotavirus vaccine be administered. Know when the rotavirus vaccine should be administered.
Do vaccinated children also get sick?
Even after taking the rotavirus vaccine, the child can be infected and manifest the symptoms of this disease, only mildly. The vaccine protects against several different virus strains, it is part of the basic vaccination schedule in some countries. In countries where it is not in the National Vaccination Plan, it is recommended by pediatricians to prevent the child from developing the most severe form of the disease, which causes severe diarrhea and vomiting.