Home Symptoms Stones syndrome: how to identify and treat calf stretch

Stones syndrome: how to identify and treat calf stretch


Stoned syndrome is characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as severe and severe pain in the calf, also popularly known as 'leg potato', which appears when performing some intense physical exercise such as running.

To relieve the pain caused by the sudden and strong muscular stretching, one should immediately stop the activity and lie down by placing the sore leg at rest on a pillow on the sofa or bed. It is recommended to place an ice pack on the exact site of the pain, allowing it to act for about 20 minutes, but taking care not to burn the skin.

Stones syndrome symptoms

Symptoms of muscle strain in the calf include:

  • Pain in the calf, strong and sudden; Feeling of having been hit by a stone in the calf; Formation of a hematoma (purple mark) at the pain site; Difficulty in supporting the weight of the body on the heel or instep; Hardening of the affected area; A 'ball' or lump may form at the site of the pain and hematoma.

The pain is so severe that the person is unable to continue his exercise and has to stop due to local discomfort, making it difficult even to walk. The presence of the hematoma indicates the rupture of blood vessels, being more severe than a common muscle strain.

The site most affected by the stoned syndrome is the meeting point between the medial gastrocnemius muscle, located in the potato region of the leg, more in the middle of the leg and its tendon.

Treatment for Pedrada Syndrome

Stones syndrome requires clinical treatment and physiotherapy is an excellent choice to complement this treatment.

After the medical consultation where the orthopedist can indicate rest, use of a knee brace and crutches to prevent the movement of the calf muscles and the use of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants, it is recommended to do some physiotherapy sessions, for pain relief and improvement muscle function.

Physical therapy for calf stretch

Physiotherapeutic treatment can be done with some measures such as:

  • Cryotherapy using ice water, ice packs or cryoflow up to 48h after the injury; Use of thermotherapy with hot or infrared water bags; Apparatus such as ultrasound, TENS and laser; Passive and then active stretching exercises; Muscle strengthening exercises and proprioception.

Muscle repair usually begins 10 days after the injury, but by decreasing inflammation, this repair can begin sooner. Stretching should be performed, initially, in a gentle way and therapeutic massage can help to undo fibrosis, reducing the 'lump' and pain.

Muscle strengthening exercises and proprioception are indicated for the last phase of recovery and must be performed to ensure that the muscle is healthy, strong and able to return to physical activity.

Recovery time

The recovery time for Stonewall Syndrome depends on 2 weeks to 1 year, depending on the severity of the stretch:

  • Grade 1- Mild muscle stretch: 2 weeksGrade 2 - Moderate muscle stretch: 8 to 10 weeks; Grade 3 - Muscle break: 6 months to 1 year.

The ultrasound or magnetic resonance exam may show the degree of the stretch that the person suffered.

How to prevent calf stretch

To prevent this type of muscle stretching from happening again, which is relatively common, it is necessary to investigate what caused the first injury. Some common causes are over-training and short breaks, muscle compensations, lack of flexibility and the type of step, which can be identified and treated with physical therapy.

After the first stretch, the muscle fibers of the site will be differentiated due to the appearance of a fibrous tissue, important for healing, but which can hinder the complete stretching of these muscle fibers, compromising flexibility, favoring new injuries. Fibrosis can also be resolved with physiotherapy sessions.

Stones syndrome: how to identify and treat calf stretch