- 1. Changes in lifestyle
- 2. Adaptations of the diet
- 3. Use of medicines
- 4. Use of home remedies
- 5. Surgery
Treatment for gastroesophageal reflux usually starts with some lifestyle changes, as well as dietary adaptations, since in many cases, these relatively simple changes are able to relieve symptoms, without the need for any other type of treatment.
However, if the symptoms do not improve, the gastroenterologist may recommend the use of some medications, which can be used for a long term, or only during symptom attacks. In the most complicated cases, in which not even the remedies are able to improve the symptoms, the doctor can advise the performance of a surgery, to try to solve the cause of the reflux.
Check out the most common symptoms in cases of gastroesophageal reflux.
The main forms of treatment used in reflux cases include:
1. Changes in lifestyle
People who have a less healthy lifestyle are at greater risk of developing various health problems. One of these problems is the excessive production of gastric acid, which can end up causing reflux symptoms.
Therefore, anyone who suffers from reflux, or even wants to prevent its onset, should follow these guidelines:
- Maintain an adequate weight, since the excess weight causes greater pressure in the abdominal region, increasing the chances of gastric acid returning to the esophagus, worsening the symptoms; Avoid smoking, since the cigarette is able to affect the sphincter capacity of the esophagus to close, allowing reflux to happen more frequently; do not lie down until 2 hours after eating, as it is during this period that there is a greater amount of acid in the stomach; avoid wearing too tight clothes, especially shirts and high-waisted pants, because they can putting pressure on the stomach area and making reflux worse.
In addition, it is still very important that, when lying down, try to keep the head of the bed higher than the feet. To do this, you can put something under the mattress, or you can place wooden blocks under the legs of the headboard. Preferably, the headboard should be raised between 15 to 20 cm.
2. Adaptations of the diet
In addition to the lifestyle changes mentioned above, there are also other simple and natural techniques that help to relieve symptoms and that are mainly related to diet.
Thus, it is advisable to eat more regularly, every 3 hours, for example, but with less food. This helps to keep the stomach less full and to facilitate its emptying, preventing reflux.
In addition, increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, as well as avoiding less healthy foods, such as processed foods, red meat and fried foods, also allow to reduce the amount of gastric acid, relieving symptoms. Another important tip is to regulate the consumption of some drinks, especially those that have been closely related to the emergence of reflux, such as soft drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcoholic beverages.
See in more detail how the diet should be for those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux.
3. Use of medicines
Most of the time, reflux medications are indicated by the doctor only as SOS, that is, to be used during a reflux crisis, which can arise when consuming some types of food in excess.
However, the remedies can also be used for longer periods of time, especially in people who have very strong and frequent symptoms. Some of the most suitable include:
- Antacids, such as magnesium hydroxide or aluminum hydroxide : neutralize the acidity of the stomach and prevent the burning sensation in the esophagus; Inhibitors of acid production, such as meprazole, esomeprazole or pantoprazole : inhibit the production of acid in the stomach, reducing the burning caused by reflux; Accelerators of gastric emptying, such as metoclopramide and domperidone : accelerate the emptying of the stomach, decreasing the time that food remains in this organ; Gastric protectors, such as sucralfate: form a protective barrier in the lining of the stomach and esophagus.
Thus, and since the symptoms and causes of reflux vary greatly from one person to the next, the remedies should always be guided by a doctor, who will assess your medical history and indicate the doses and duration of drug treatment.
Learn more about the main drugs used to treat reflux.
4. Use of home remedies
In the mildest cases of reflux, home remedies can be an excellent natural way to relieve symptoms. Some of the most suitable ones include ginger tea, chamomile tea and aloe juice, for example, which can be taken when the first burning symptoms appear. See how to prepare these and other home remedies for reflux.
Although home remedies are a good natural way to help relieve symptoms, they should not be substituted for the medications prescribed by the doctor, but should only be used as a complement to the indicated treatment.
5. Surgery
Gastroesophageal reflux surgery is usually only used as a last resort for treatment, in the most complicated cases where the symptoms have not improved with lifestyle changes, dietary adaptations or the use of medications.
In these cases, the surgeon performs the surgery in order to strengthen the esophageal sphincter, in order to prevent the gastric acid from rising into the esophagus. This surgery can be done in a classic way, with a cut in the abdomen, but it can also be done by laparoscopy, in which small holes are made in the skin. The type of surgery should always be selected with the surgeon.
Understand better how this surgery is done and how recovery is.