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Home treatment for depression


An excellent home treatment for depression is the green banana biomass due to the presence of potassium, fibers, minerals, vitamins B1 and B6, β-carotene and vitamin C that it has.

The green banana contains resistant starch, which is a soluble fiber that turns into fructose that gives the banana a sweet flavor when it ripens. This resistant starch promotes good intestinal functioning and is a great ally of the immune system, helping to fight depression and other diseases. Green banana biomass also helps fight cholesterol and lose weight because it gives satiety.

To use green banana biomass as a treatment for depression, one should consume 2 cubes a day, 1 at lunch and one at dinner.


  • 5 organic green bananas about 2 liters of water

Method of preparation

Wash the bananas well and place them still in their skin in a pressure cooker with enough water to cover all the bananas. Bring to the boil for about 20 minutes, until the bananas are very soft, remove their peels and then beat all their pulp in a blender until they form a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, add a little warm water.

To use green banana biomass, put the mixture that comes out of the blender in an ice form and freeze. Then just add 1 cube in the soup, or in any preparation such as porridge, sauces, or in the preparation of cakes, breads or cookies.

See also how to make a recipe with green banana biomass.

Home treatment for depression