Home Bulls How to use fleet enema

How to use fleet enema


The fleet enema is a micro-enema that contains monosodium phosphate dihydrate and disodium phosphate, substances that stimulate intestinal functioning and eliminate their contents, which is why it is very suitable for cleaning the intestines or trying to solve cases of constipation.

This enema can be used in adults and children over 3 years old, provided the pediatrician has indicated it, and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of a small bottle with 133 ml.


The price of this enema can vary between 10 and 15 reais for each bottle, depending on the region.

What is it for

The fleet enema is indicated to treat constipation and to clean the intestine, before and after delivery, before and after the operation and in preparation for diagnostic tests, such as colonoscopy.

How to use

To use this enema it is recommended:

  1. Lie on your side on your left side and bend your knees; Remove the cap from the enema bottle and put petroleum jelly on the tip; Insert the tip into the anus slowly, towards the navel; Squeeze the bottle to release the liquid; Remove the tip of the bottle and wait between 2 to 5 minutes until you really feel like having a bowel movement.

During the application of the liquid, if there is an increase in pressure and difficulty in introducing the rest, it is advisable to remove the vial, since forcing the liquid in can cause injuries to the intestinal wall.

Possible side effects

It can cause severe abdominal pain moments before evacuation. If there is no bowel movement after using this enema, it is advisable to consult the doctor, as there may be an intestinal problem that needs to be properly diagnosed and treated.

Who should not use

It is recommended not to use this enema in cases of suspected appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, liver failure, kidney problems, heart failure, high blood pressure, bowel obstruction or allergy to the components of the formula.

In pregnancy, this enema can be used with guidance from the obstetrician.

See also how to make a natural enema at home.

How to use fleet enema