Home Symptoms Hot or cold compress: when to use and how to do it

Hot or cold compress: when to use and how to do it


Using ice and hot water correctly can help you recover faster from a blow, for example. Ice can be used up to 48 hours after an injection, and in case of toothache, bump, sprain, knee pain and falls, while hot water can be used when there is pain in the spine, purple spots on the skin, pimples, boils and stiff necks, for example.

The ice decreases the blood flow of the region, helps to deflate and has an analgesic effect that starts after 5 minutes of use. Hot water, on the other hand, promotes the dilation of blood vessels and decreases muscle tension, promoting relaxation.

Watch the video to find out when you should use ice or hot water:

When to use ice

Ice packs are excellent for relieving pain after a blow, as can happen during a football game, for example, but you should avoid using it on your back, chest and belly.

After running, what you can do is take a shower with very cold water or put a cold compress, if you feel any pain in your knee or ankle, for example. Ice is also a great option for those suffering from tendonitis.

To make a cold compress at home, simply wrap a bag of frozen vegetables, for example, in a towel or cloth and apply to the painful area for 15 to 20 minutes.

Another possibility is to mix 1 part of alcohol with 2 parts of water and place it in a ziploc bag and leave it in the freezer. The contents should not be completely frozen, and can be shaped, as needed. The mode of use is the same.

When to use hot water

The compresses made with warm water are great for relieving muscle pain that arises over time and is especially suitable for placing on the back or chest, although it can be placed on any region of the body, as long as you do not have a fever, so as not to to increase the temperature.

How to use hot water

The warm compress can be used 3 to 4 times a day, for 15 to 20 minutes, but it should always be wrapped in a cloth diaper or other thin fabric, so that it does not burn the skin.

How to make a hot compress at home

To make a hot compress at home, just use a pillowcase and 1 kg of dry grains, such as rice or beans, for example. The grains must be placed inside the pillowcase, tied tightly to form a bundle, heated in the microwave for about 3 to 5 minutes, allowed to warm and applied to the painful area for 15 to 20 minutes.

If, even when using ice or hot water, the pain does not decrease or even intensifies, you should go to the doctor for tests to be carried out that can identify if there was the cause of the pain, which could be a fracture, for example.

Hot or cold compress: when to use and how to do it