Home Bulls Discover 5 foods that damage teeth

Discover 5 foods that damage teeth


Some foods that damage teeth and that can lead to the development of cavities are foods rich in sugar, such as candies, cakes or soft drinks, for example, especially when consumed daily.

Thus, to avoid the development of dental problems, such as cavities, tooth sensitivity or inflammation of the gums, for example, it is essential to avoid the consumption of cariogenic foods, which are rich in sugar, in addition to washing your teeth at least twice a day a day, one of which should always be before bed.

In this way, some foods that harm your teeth include:

1. Alcohol and coffee

Alcoholic beverages, like red wine for example, have substances that corrode the tissues of the mouth, gums, cheeks and teeth, decreasing the production of saliva that is responsible for helping to remove the rest of food that remains in the mouth. The lack of saliva makes the mouth dry, making it a pleasant environment for the development of bacteria and the chances of developing cavities is greater.

In addition, frequent consumption of coffee, wine and tea also stains your teeth due to their pigments and dyes, which damage the appearance of the mouth.

2. Sweets and soft drinks

Sugar-rich foods and drinks, such as cakes, candies or soft drinks, harm teeth and gums as these foods lead to the development of bacteria in the mouth, which turn sugar into acid, destroying tooth enamel.

3. Acid fruits

The juices of acidic fruits, such as lemon, apple, orange or grape for example increase tooth wear and teeth erosion is greater mainly when they are consumed alone without accompanying bread or yogurt, for example. In addition, sauces such as vinegar and tomatoes should also be avoided.

4. Foods rich in carbohydrates

Some foods rich in carbohydrates, mainly containing starch, such as potatoes, bread, white beans, pasta and cereals are more easily on the teeth, which increases the chances of developing bacteria and the appearance of cavities.

5. Dried fruits

Usually, dried and candied fruits are rich in sugar like raisins or dried bananas, for example.

All of these foods should be avoided especially before going to sleep, as if tooth brushing is not done properly, the residues of these foods will be in contact with your teeth and gums for a longer time, favoring the growth of bacteria and the development of cavities. See How to choose the best toothpaste.

Take a look at this video and learn how to ensure always white and clean teeth:

Foods that protect teeth

Some fruits and vegetables, such as apples or carrots, are good for your teeth because they are rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals and because they take a long time to be chewed, especially when they are eaten raw, they stimulate the production of saliva and promote mechanical cleaning of teeth, which is very important for cleaning teeth, protecting from bacteria.

In addition, cheese, milk and sugar-free yoghurts also help to protect your teeth because they are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which protect against tooth decay.

To maintain a healthy mouth and have strong and resistant teeth, avoiding the development of problems such as cavities or abscesses it is important to brush your teeth correctly.

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Discover 5 foods that damage teeth