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Know the health risks of artificial tanning


Artificial tanning is one that is done in a sunbed and produces results similar to those that occur when the person is exposed to the sun, making the skin more golden and darker. However, this practice poses health risks when it is used incorrectly or when it is done regularly, having the same harmful effects of sun exposure, when it is done at inappropriate times, because it also emits UVA and UVB rays.

Although it is generally used in short sessions of less than 20 minutes, even if the person does not leave the session with red skin, harmful effects occur that, although it may take a few years to manifest, are very serious.

The use of tanning beds for aesthetic purposes was banned by Anvisa in 2009, due to the risks it has for health, the main ones being:

1. Skin cancer

The development of skin cancer is one of the main risks of this type of tanning, due to the presence of ultraviolet light that the equipment produces. The longer a person uses this type of tanning, the greater the chances of developing cancer.

The first signs of skin cancer can take years to appear and include spots that change color, size or shape, so in case of suspicion, you should go to the dermatologist to analyze the skin and request a biopsy. in case of suspicion. Learn how to identify signs of skin cancer.

2. Skin aging

UVA rays penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, affecting the collagen and elastin fibers, leaving the person's skin with an older appearance, with more marked wrinkles and expression lines, and with a tendency to develop small dark spots on the skin..

3. Vision problems

Vision problems can arise especially if the tanning session is carried out without goggles. Ultraviolet rays have the ability to penetrate the pupil and the retina, causing changes such as cataracts, even if the person has their eyes closed, but without goggles.

4. Burns

Staying more than 10 minutes in a sunbed can cause severe burns in any region exposed to lightning. Therefore, the person may have red and burning skin, as if he had been in the sun for a long time. The bikini or swimsuit mark is evidence that the skin has been attacked and the redder the skin is, it means that the more severe the burn will be.

How to get a bronze safely

The use of self-tanning creams with dihydroxyacetone is an excellent option to tan your skin all year round, without putting your health at risk. These products do not stimulate the production of melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to the skin, they only react with the skin proteins, forming substances of brown color, therefore, they are not aggressive. These forms of tanning leave the skin golden and not burned or reddish as it can happen with prolonged exposure to the sun or with the tanning beds. See how to use the self-tanner without staining your skin.

In addition, sun exposure in the hours of less heat, avoiding the time between 12 and 16 hours, is also a way to obtain a healthy and long-lasting bronze, but always with the use of sun protection.

Food also has an influence on the intensity of your tan, so eating foods with carotenes, such as carrots, oranges, mangoes or strawberries, for example, also helps you tan faster. Watch the following video and see how to prepare a homemade recipe to tan faster:

Know the health risks of artificial tanning