The treatment for fisheye, which is a type of wart that appears on the sole of the foot, can be done with the use of an ointment based on acetylsalicylic acid indicated by the doctor. Treatment is slow and can take more than 30 days, depending on the size of the lesion.
Other ways of treating fish eye are through dermatological surgery, such as criocauterization, or through electrocauterization, or through the application of nitric acid or liquid nitrogen, for example.
Fisheye, also called plantar wart, is a skin disease caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that can penetrate the skin when walking barefoot in places contaminated with the virus, such as swimming pools, clubs, gyms. and changing rooms.
Fish eye remedies
The dermatologist may recommend the use of ointments such as:
- Salicylic acid from 5 to 40%: Parisian ointment, benzac, dermolimp, plantar duofilm, transvercid, urgocor, brown calicide, verrufilm, Indian calicide or other prepared at the handling pharmacy.
Just apply the ointment on the spot, once or twice a day, making a gentle massage, until it is completely absorbed by the skin. It is necessary to be very careful when applying the ointment, placing only on top of the fish eye so as not to injure the whole skin around the wart.
Home treatment
During treatment for plantar wart you should:
1. Remove excess skin
To treat fish eye at home, you can soak your feet in a bowl with warm water and a little coarse salt, to soften the skin and remove as much of the dirt as possible. After your feet are properly cleaned and your skin is softened, you can apply a little pumice to remove excess keratin from the area around the wart. However, this procedure should not cause pain or discomfort.
One should not try to pull the skin, trying to remove the wart from the soles of the house at home because the viruses can spread, giving rise to new warts and because there is a risk of local infection, since the fragile skin allows the entry of micro -organisms more easily.
2. Moisturize the skin
After removing excess skin, keratin and the most superficial part of the wart, you can moisturize your feet well by applying a moisturizing cream for dry skin and putting on a pair of socks, to make sure your feet remain well hydrated.
3. Apply the solution indicated by the podiatrist or dermatologist
After bathing, before bedtime you should have your feet very clean and hydrated and then apply the solution indicated by the podiatrist or dermatologist, letting the product work all night or for the time indicated by the professional. These drugs can be used in liquid or ointment, where a type of band-aid is placed to cover the lesion.
Complete callus removal can take about 1 month, but in the first week you should notice a difference. During treatment, an insole can be used inside the shoe to support the region around the fish eye, preventing the body weight on the injury from causing pain. These insoles can be purchased at pharmacies.
Cryosurgery with nitrogen
When there are many plantar warts or when they are very deep and extensive, not improving with the use of the ointments, the dermatologist may resort to the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart, eliminating it completely.
This freezing destroys the part of the skin affected by the virus, solving the problem at the root but it is very painful.