Home Pregnancy Advantages of water birth

Advantages of water birth


Normal water birth reduces pain and labor time, but for a safe delivery, it is important that water birth is agreed between the parents and the hospital or clinic where the baby will be born, months before labor. childbirth begin.

Some options for getting a water birth are the use of a plastic pool or a bathtub, which should be the responsibility of the hospital. The place must be properly cleaned and the water must be around 36º C at all times, so that at birth, the temperature is comfortable for the baby.

The main advantage of water birth is the reduction of pain during labor and the need to resort to cesarean section or even the use of suction cups or forceps, promoting a more natural and less traumatic delivery for the mother and the baby. baby.

Main advantages of water birth

The main advantages of water birth for the mother include:

  • Pain relief, acceleration and shortening of labor; Feeling of lightness in the water that allows greater movement during labor; Greater sense of security for being able to control which are the most comfortable positions to adopt during contractions. The warm water promotes relaxation of the muscles including the perineum, ligaments and pelvic joints, facilitating delivery; Decreased feeling of tiredness during labor because the body's muscles tend to be more relaxed throughout the process; Easier to disconnect from the world around, being able to perceive your most primitive needs more easily; Less total body swelling; There is greater privacy because it is not easy to have another person looking directly at your genitals; Greater personal satisfaction for actively participating in all labor, which contributes to the 'empowerment' of women, in addition to a greater sense of well-being, self-esteem and emotional relaxation; Lower risk of postpartum depression; Facilitation of breastfeeding; Less need for episiotomy and laceration of the perineum.

Advantages for the baby include better oxygenation of the fetus during labor and a less traumatic birth moment because there is less artificial light and noise and it is usually the mother herself who brings it to the surface to breathe and will certainly be the first face that it will see, increasing the bond between him and the mother.

The child's father or the mother's current partner can be inside the pool or even beside him, outside, helping, giving emotional support, being useful for transmitting peace and security and giving massages to better control the pain of childbirth.

Who can have a water birth

Every woman who had a healthy and low-risk pregnancy, having no complications during pregnancy and who has an equally healthy baby, can opt for natural birth, in water. Thus, it is possible to have a water birth when the woman does not have pre-eclampsia, hypertension, diabetes, twin births or has had a cesarean section before.

The woman can enter the water at the very beginning of contractions because if the warm water helps to accelerate the beginning of labor, indicating in a few moments that the baby is really about to be born.

Common Questions

Some of the most common questions regarding water birth are answered below.

1. Can the baby drown if born in water?

No, the baby is not at risk of drowning because he has a drowning reflex that does not allow him to inhale while out of the water.

2. Is the risk of vaginal infection greater when giving birth in water?

No, because the water does not enter the vagina and in addition the contamination that could happen during the vaginal touches performed by nurses and midwives is reduced because this type of intervention is much less in the water.

3. Do you have to be completely naked in the water?

Not necessarily, because the woman can choose to cover her breasts, leaving only the part of the waist down naked. However, after birth the baby will want to breastfeed and already have a free breast, can help in this task. If your partner wants to get in the water he doesn't have to be naked.

4. Is it necessary to shave the genital area before delivery?

It is not necessary to completely remove the pubic hair before delivery, but it is recommended that the woman remove excess hair on the part of the vulva and also between the legs.

Advantages of water birth