Home Bulls Contraindications for endermotherapy

Contraindications for endermotherapy


The main contraindications for endermotherapy, an aesthetic treatment that helps to reduce cellulite and eliminate localized fat, are:

  • Individuals with severe circulatory problems, such as phlebitis or deep vein thrombosis; Cancer patients; Individuals with rheumatism; Obese, diabetic or hypertensive patients; Patients with heart problems; Individuals with skin lesions such as wounds, flaking or inflammation; Pregnant women.

Endotherapy is a non-invasive procedure that improves blood circulation, eliminates toxins from the body, as well as fat cells and cellulite nodules, tones the skin and promotes its elasticity. However, in order for the benefits to be noticeable, at least 10 sessions are required, which last an average of 35 minutes, 3 times a week.

Individuals who cannot use this treatment can reduce cellulite through other treatments, such as lymphatic drainage or carboxytherapy, for example, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

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Contraindications for endermotherapy