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Contrave is a medicine used to fight obesity, helping to decrease and control patients' appetite. In addition, Contrave allows you to reduce your waist circumference, preventing diabetes or heart disease, for example.

The active ingredient in Contrave combines Bupropion and Naltrexone to affect the brain transmitters responsible for appetite and elimination of fats, allowing you to lose up to 10% of weight in 12 months.

Contrave Price

The price of Contrave is approximately 30 reais, but its sale is only allowed in the United States of America.

Contrave indications

Contrave is indicated for the treatment of obese patients with a BMI greater than 30 kg / m2, especially when other types of treatment do not show satisfactory results.

Side Effects of Contrave

Side effects of Contrave include headaches, constipation, nausea, insomnia and irritability, which subside after some time of treatment.

How to use Contrave

How to use Contrave consists of taking one tablet twice a day.

Contrave's contraindications

Contrave is contraindicated for pregnant women, women breastfeeding, children under 18 and the elderly.

Contrave is produced by Orexigen laboratories, but the FDA has only approved the sale of the pills in the United States, as further tests are still needed to ensure the drug's safety.
