Home Bulls Copaxone



Copaxone is a drug indicated for multiple sclerosis that has Glatiramer as its active substance.

This injectable drug reduces the recurrence of the disease, since it alters the specific autoimmune responses of myelin, a substance whose cell deficiency is the cause of multiple sclerosis.

Copaxone indications

Recurrent remissive multiple sclerosis.

Copaxone price

The 2 mg copaxone box costs approximately 5, 220 reais.

Side effects of Copaxone

Anxiety; weakness; chest pain; palpitation; vasodilation; rhinitis; diarrhea; nausea; urinary urgency; joint pain; back pain; hypertonia; difficulty in breathing; sweats; reaction at the injection site; itch; eruption; flu-like syndrome; infection; ache.

Contraindications for Copaxone

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to Use Copaxone

Injectable use


  • Administer 20 mg of Copaxone daily.