Home Bulls Calcium coral

Calcium coral


Coral calcium is a natural source of minerals, free of iodine and phosphorus that helps to assimilate vitamin A better, combats stress and hormonal changes. In addition, it favors bones and dentition making them stronger.

This natural product can be purchased at health food stores or via the internet, as it arises from the fossilization of a coral and should only be used on the recommendation of a health professional.


Coral calcium is recommended to prevent osteoporosis, help in the consolidation of fractures, promoting the maintenance of the bone system. In addition, it helps maintain healthy teeth, complements the treatment of heart problems and anxiety problems.


A package of Coral calcium costs on average 90 reais.

How to use

Generally, 1 tablespoon per day is indicated, preferably in the morning or if its use is in 2 capsules a day with meals.

Side effects

The side effects of the product are not known.


It should not be used by people with kidney problems.

Calcium coral