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Does running really lose weight?


Running is a great exercise to aid in the weight loss process, because in 1 hour of running approximately 700 calories can be burned. In addition, running decreases appetite and promotes fat burning, however in order to lose weight, you need to run at least 3 times a week.

In addition to losing weight, running has several other benefits, such as improving self-esteem, preventing cardiovascular disease, improving sleep quality and strengthening muscles and bones, for example. So, to make it easier to practice running and have benefits, it is recommended to plan your workouts with a trainer, choose the best route, which can be outdoors, and assess your heart rate. Check out other tips to start running.

Understand why running loses weight

Running is a great exercise for those who want to lose weight because it is able to decrease and decrease appetite, because during the run there is production of Dopamine, which is a hormone responsible for the feeling of well-being and the reduction of hunger, in addition to improving the mood and reduce anxiety.

In addition to reducing appetite, running is able to promote fat burning, since in the first moments of running the muscles begin to adapt to increased energy expenditure, promoting the consumption of excess fat. Check out a running training option.

Although running is great for burning fat, there are other exercises that also have a high caloric expenditure. Enter your data below and find out how many calories you burn when exercising:

Which running style slims the most

To run to lose weight you should definitely run more and more intensely, which happens as running becomes a habit and you gain physical conditioning. A good tip to assess your fitness is to run the same route every week to see how long you can finish it because it is possible to measure the weekly evolution.

In addition, it is possible to vary the type of running to increase intensity, metabolism and improve fitness. Thus, short and fast runs promote increased metabolism and, consequently, the consumption of fat, which makes weight loss happen more quickly. On the other hand, the practice of constant running but with speed that varies from slow to moderate over a long distance promotes an improvement in physical conditioning and the weight loss process happens more gradually.

Breathing from the first few minutes is very important to help the body maintain activity, so the first few minutes seem more difficult. As it runs, the body starts to increase the production of dopamine, generating a feeling of well-being.

See a good example of running training to burn fat.

What to eat before the race to lose weight

To start running and losing weight it is important to have a small amount of energy in the blood, so that the cells can promote the breakdown of localized fat. Therefore, at least 15 minutes before the race you can have 1 glass of pure orange juice, without sugar.

During the race, drink water or isotonic drinks to replace the minerals lost through sweat and after running, eat some protein source food, such as liquid yogurt, for example.

See what your nutritionist has prepared for you:

Does running really lose weight?